Chapter Three - Russian Roulette

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Craig's POV

BeBe and I were in my bedroom making out and the whole time I was thinking about Tweek. I want to destroy him for loving Kenny instead of me but then again I love him because he's cute, smart and kind. I felt kind of bad for what I did yesterday, it was an honest accident, I didn't mean to elbow him but then again I couldn't say sorry and make it seem like an accident because, well that's just how I am.

"Babe?" BeBe said snapping me out of my thoughts.


"Uh, I have to go, my parents wanted me home early today," she gave me a long passionate kiss before leaving. I sighed need Tweek, right now. I groaned and sat up from my bed. I needed a plan to get Kenny our of the picutre and make sure Tweek doesn't know it's me. First, I need Tweek and Kenny to get really close, it's going to be hard for me too watch, but it'll be worth it at the end.

My little sister came into the room and stared at me.

"Craiiiigggg!" She whined. I rolled my eyes and flipped her off. She frowned and flipped me off. I flipped her off again and she double flipped me off.


Tweek's POV

I can't do this. I just can't. What if he doesn't like me back? What if he just kissed me on accident. What if he thinks I'm a fag? (No offence to gay's)

I had my phone in my hand and Kenny's number was on the screen but I didn't know if I should press 'Call' or not. I decided to man up and call him. Placing the phone by my ear, I took deep breaths until he finally answered.

"Hey Tweek what's up?"

"Uh... ARG! This is waaayyy to much pressure!" I shrieked before removing the phone from my ear and hanging up. I mentally slapped myself. I began twitching, turning, shaking, twisting, you name it. I was all ove the place. My phone started ringing and I screamed.

I looked at the caller ID, it was Kenny. Oh god...

"Hello?" I said calmly.

"Tweek, are you okay?"

"Uh... Y-yeah." I lied. I wasn't okay.

"Oh.. Ok. Well I was wondering if you wanted to uh.. catch a film... and uh... go to the park after then uh... um get a bite or something?" He stammered. He was asking me out?

"Ar-Are you asking me out of a date?" I said pure shock in my tone of voice.

"Uh... I prefer to call it... uh two... uh really really good friends hanging out." He sounded nervous. Aw.

"Ok, a date it is," I teased and he chuckled. "What time?" I asked.

"I'll pick you up at 6pm, bye T," he said before hanging up. I smiled and got dressed into my green shirt and dark grey jeans.

I looked at my hair and brushed it down with the palm of my hands, it just popped back up, I laughed and looked at the time, 5:45, Kenny would be here in 15 minutes so I decided to make myself a cup of coffee. I drank it in one go and looked in the fridge.


Kenny arrived at my door wearing a black shirt and blue jeans I smiled as he wasn't wearing his Parka Orange hood.

"Ready CoffeeBean?" He held his arm out.

"Ready," I smiled and we linked arms.


Craig's POV

I decided I would do some spying. I climbed out of my window and saw Kenny and Tweek, walking towards the theatre... Perfect.

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