Chapter Seven - New Beginning

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Ok Creek fans, here's the beginning of Creek! I killed off Kenny because I didn't know what to do with him once I started Creek. Well here's Chapter Seven



Tweek's POV

I was in the lunch hall with Stan, Kyle, Eric, Token, Clyde, Butters and Jimmy.

Kenny's death hasn't left any of our minds but we decide not to talk about it, ever. I was eating my chicken sandwitch and drinking my coffee when I noticed something from the corner of my eye, I looked and saw.. Craig? I thought he was gone and never coming back. I got up from my seat, took my coffee and strolled over to him.

"Oh hey Tweekster," he smirked his signature smirk.

"C-Craig, what ARG! Are you AH! Doing here?" I asked.

"Going to get lunch," he said.

"GAH! I mean why AH! are you in South Park?" I twitched nervously.

"Because my family decided to move back." He said and went to the cafeteria lunch line. I furrowed my eyesbrows and went to sit down.

"What happened?" Kyle asked.

"N-Nothing," I lied.

"Yeah you dumb Jew, stay out of everyone's buisness," Cartman piped up.

"Shut up fatass."

"I'm not fat you fucking hebrew hippie! I'm built." He said flexing his jelly arms.

"I'm not a hippie fatso!" Kyle retorted. They continued arguing and Stan sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Your just jealous that even though Tweek's a fag, he can still get dates with other fags but your a lonely fag." Eric said and that triggered my nerve. Something I've never felt before boiled up inside me and burst out like a broken kettle with water in it.

"GAH! I'm not a fa-fag you el-elephant. Fuck you and rot in hell you fat piece of fucking shit! AH! I'm n-not a fag! I'm not! Stop it fatass! GAH! I fucking hate it when you rip on me for being who I am. Why don't you AH! Take your crap somewhere else or I'll kick your AH! Ass right back t-to the uh, the uh... the McDonalds it came from!" I snapped turning all eyes on me. Even Cartman was shocked. I just stood there, fist cleched with an intense look.

"I'd like to see you try." Is what he said. I took that as a offer so I hopped on the table and pounced on him, I started punching him, side to side. He had a black eye, a bloody nose and a busted lip.

"Le-leave me the AH! Fuck alone!" I yelled before glancing at Criag and leaving the cafeteria. I heard footsteps behind me and turned around.

"That was something Tweeky," he smirked.

"You.. You bet your ass it was." I said arrogantly.

"Mm hmm."

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