Chapter Twelve - Spin The Bottle

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Tweek's POV

My eyes spin and so does the bottle. It begins to slow down and I gulp, I tense as it stops. It lands on Lola, I see Kyle's jaw clench as well and the two get up too kiss. Craig leaned forward and they awkwardly bumped heads.

"S-Sorry," Lola apologised. Craig nodded.

"Please ge-get this over with," I murmered. If this lasts longer than I can say two missisipies. I'll be pissed.

Craig leaned forward and so did Lola, their lips connected and they moved in sync. He better not be enjoying this.

"One Missisipe.. Two Missisipes... Three Missisip-" They pulled away.. It was still too late.

I gently pulled Craig down. Lola's face flushed red and I frowned.

"Your turn Clyde." Wendy said.

Clyde nodded and smirked at Red who blushed. I sighed and watched the bottle spin, it began to slow down and my eyes widened.

"Oh jesus!" I gulped. I looked at Craig and he was frowning a bit. Well this could be a bit of his own medicine. Red cleared her throat trying to get the awkwardness out of the air, but it just became more awkward. Clyde and I stood up at the same time and looked at eachother. He leaned forward and I leaned forward connecting our lips.

"One missisipes. Two Missisipies. Thr-" I pulled away and blushed. I hope me and Craig don't have an arguement.


"GAH! Oh god... Their coming for me... He's coming for me! Oh god! Jesus see me through this..." I cried as I was the only one awake. I was scared Kenny was there, poisoning my food and coffee. I snuggled up with Craig and shut my eyes, slowly drifting off to sleep.

I was in the hallways, and they were empty... That's weird. I turned around and walked towards the blue double doors only to find them locked. I frown and turn around.

"GAH!" I scream. Kenny was there smirking at me. He was wearing his normal orange outfit but his hood down.

"Tweek..." He said.


"You. Suck. Ass." He said before knocking me to the ground. I whimpered as he got on top of me and started ripping my clothes off, I began crying and he cackled.

"Le-Leave me alone!" I cried but he didn't listen, he just ripped his jacket off and smirked at me. He ripped his pants off and his shoes and socks. I whimpered but he punched me in the face making my eye red, puffy and bruised. I began crying and felt my hair being pulled up, I screamed as Kenny lifted me up by my hair and crashed his lips on mine. I squirmed but realised he was enjoying it. Sick pervert.

"Your a murderer," he whispered as he slowly pulled away from my lips. I shook my head as the tears flew down.

"No... I... I didn't kill you!" I yell but he isn't listening.

"Your a fucking murderer, You poisioned me with you coffee so why don't I poision your dreams?" He grinned.

"Whe-When did I posion you?" I asked.

"The day before I died.. Remember, you were all pissed I left you at the hospital so I came to apologise then you didn't let me in. But then, you finally opened and called my name, we made up and I hung out with you for a bit, you made me coffee... That should jog your memory." Kenny hissed. 

"That's not true!" I yelled before I heard a voice. I looked left and saw Craig in a wheel chair.

"That's how your going to end up if you don't admit you fucking killed me," Kenny said before disapearing.

"Wha-What?" I stuttered, no answer. I turned and saw Craig instead of Kenny. "Oh god! He's gonna get me! GAH!" I shrieked.

"Look what you've done Tweek..." Craig groaned. I screamed as his face was burnt, his lips were black, he had no eyes and his nose was like Voldermolt. I screamed and he just looked at me... I think.


"You've destroyed me.. Just admit it Tweek... You killed Kenny....." He trailed off before strolling away on his wheelchair. I began crying and I slowly melted.

"GAH! It's happening!" I shieked. I was melting and the only bits on my body left was from my waist and up.

"GAH!" I screamed waking up. I looked around and everyone staring at me, I blushed and looked to Craig, his face was normal and he was looked at me strangely. I blushed deeper and everyone kept staring.

"What happened Tweekster?" Craig wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"N-Nothing." I murmered. He sighed and rubbed my arm, kissing my cheek.

"You okay?" he whispered nibbling my earlobe. I smiled a bit and the others 'awed'.

"Ye-Yeah," I giggled.


Craig's POV

We were all talking when there was a loud bang on the door.

"Ugh who's that?" Wendy groaned getting up to answer the door. She walked out of the room and to the door. I heard a scream and the door being busted open, all of us went to check it out, the police were there and Wendy was crying on the floor, Stan ran to her and the police stared all of us down. There were about 5 of them and the ginger detective stepped forward.

"WHO ARE YOU?!" He yelled.

"Wendy Testaburger..."

"Stanley Marsh."

"Kyle Brofloski."


"Clyde Donovan."

"Rebecca Bertha."

"Nicole Hestigen."

"Token Black."

"Craigery Tucker."

"Tweek Tweak." Tweek trembled, the police's heads all shot in his direction.

"We've got him." A cop next to the ginger detective said into a walky talky. My eyes widened.

"W-what?!" Tweek shivered.

"Tweek Tweak, your under arrest!"

"GAH!" He yelled.

"For what?" I roared.

"The murderer... Of Kenneth McCormick."

So it was Tweek! I thought it was Craig's cupcakes.  But Tweek's such a good guy.. He wouldn't purposely kill Kenny would he?

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