Chapter Four - Movies and Spies

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Tweek's POV

"K-Kenny. What movie are ARG we watching?" I asked shaking with excitement. He smiled and gave me an 'Not telling' look. I pouted and he laughed and ruffled my hair. He bought tickets to 'The Ring' and I could feel a knot in my stomach. I frowned and winced as we walked through the doors, he looked at me and smirked. We sat in the... F-Front r-row. Oh no. Hopefully nothing else could go wrong. We took out seats and Kenny handed me glasses, one lense was blue, the other was red. Hey. I've seen these glasses before...

"Put them on," he said through his jacket.

"No.. No thanks," I mumbled. He pouted and looked adorable. I sighed and placed then on my eyes.


Craig's POV

I snuck into 'The Ring' and it was dark so I couldn't see Kenny or Tweek. God Dammit. I heard a whimper and recognised it was the same as Tweek's when I elbowed him into the radiator. I waited for another scary scene to come up and saw Tweek's hair on the bright screen. I smirked to myself and walked down the steps. I sat on the thrid row and heard Kenny say something.

"CoffeeBean, I need to go to the bathroom-"

"NO!" Tweek yelled attracting eyes to him. "Please... don't leave me."

"Don't worry, it's all fake, it's just a teenager with make up and a wig. Ok?" Kenny calmed him down and he nodded. "Stay here."

"Ok.." Tweek replied. I rubbed my gloved hands together and watched as Kenny headed for the bathroom. I waited until he was out of sight.

I got up and sat next to Tweek.

"GAH!" He screamed. His eyes were watery but tears didn't come out.

"Hey wimpy." I punched his shoulder. He was shaking uncontrollably.

"G-Go away Craig," he stuttered with fear. I smiled at this and stood up. I heard him sigh with relief but then something snapped inside of me. I grabbed his hair and he yelped.

"Your mine now," I laughed sadistically and covered his mouth with my glove.


Kenny's POV

"Twee-" I cut myself off when I noticed Tweek wasn't there. The fuck? I thought. I turned on my phone and switched on the flash light. I shined it on the floor and saw a strand of his hair. My eyes widened and I ran out of the theatre.

"Shit." I mumbled to myself. I felt so bad. This was all my fucking fault. I punched myself and heard my name being called. I stopped and stood for a moment then heard it again.

"Kenny...." The voice said a thrid time. I looked behind me and saw Tweek burried in snow. I gasped and ran over to him, his eyes were closed and he was unconcious... Who was calling me? I ignored that and called an ambulance immediately.



Tweek's POV

"GAH!" I woke up and took in my surroundings. On my left was a desk, water and some food and on my right was a life line monitor and... Kenny. I smiled as I watched him sleep, he looked so peaceful. I looked at my hands and they were blue. I gasped and flashbacks of last week came flooding in my mind. I began to softly cry and felt something warm hold my hand, I looked up and saw Kenny, looking at me with concern, I smiled a bit and wiped my tears.

"Mr.Tweak, a group of people are here to visit you." A beautiful looking lady with long brown hair, piercing blue eyes and a nurse outfit told me. I nodded and in walked Token, Clyde, Kyle, Stan, Butters and Cartman. Eric walked over to my desk and took the food that was in my plate, I frowned and he shrugged.

"Dude not cool." Stan said.

"How are you Tweek?" Token asked.

"GAH! Good." I replied and smiled. "When am I getting out?" I said turning to Kenny.

"Um, in three hours?" He shrugged.


It's been 2 hours and me and Kenny were just talking since the guys left an hour ago. My parents also came to visit as they were a bit late from the trip.

"Kenny..." I mumbled.

"Hm?" He looked up at me.

"Why... Why does Craig hate me?" I said quietly but loud enough for him to hear.

Before Kenny could answer, the door burst open.

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