Chapter Eighteen - Back Off

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Authors Pov

The blond sashayed towards her Ex's house. She applied about 500 more layers of lip gloss and ruffled her hair. She smirked and rang the doorbell. Tweek answered and when he saw her, he frowned. She rolled her eyes and fake smiled.

"Hey Tweeky, is Craigary there?" She grinned earning a cold glare from Tweek.

"Yes. He's upstairs," the spikey haired male growled in a low tone.

"Ok, well just tell him I stopped by," she said twirling her hair with her pinky finger.
He just rolled his eyes and attempted to close the door but was stopped by BeBe's hand. She pushed the door open and grabbed his collar pulled him closer to her. She got on her tip-toes and put her mouth by his ear.

"I don't know how you think things are, but here's how it is bitch. I was Craig's first love, no scratch that, I am Craig's first love. So back the fuck off or else there'll be trouble. Who's the one who stopped Cartman from blowing poor Craigy's brains out? Oh that's right.. Me. So listen up, and listen good Tweek. Craig is mine. He loves me and only me." She hissed harshly into his ear. He gulped and she heard footsteps entering the bathroom, she smirked at Tweek and let him go.

She quickly pulled out a small bag with red liquid and dabbed some under her eye and nose, she got out her make up kit and within the speed of light she had a fake black eye, she screamed and placed herself on the floor.

She head footsteps down the stairs and fake cried.
Craig appeared and saw Tweek with his fists clenched and BeBe on the floor crying.

"Tweek?! BeBe?! Tweek what did you do?!" Craig yelled.


"H-He punched me!" BeBe wailed. Craig's eyes widened and he stared at Tweek, shocked.

"Bring her inside. NOW!" Craig roared. Tweek sighed and led BeBe inside. BeBe looked up at him and smirked. He growled at her and Craig followed behind them.

"I-I didn't do anything!" Tweek said as soon as the sat down.

"BeBe, what happened?" Craig asked softly, ignoring Tweek.

"I..." she sobbed. "I wanted to-to stop by and ask you if we- if we were ok, Tweek answered and I asked if you we-were here and..."


"Hey Tweek, is Craig there?" BeBe smiled.

"Fuck off whore." Tweek jeered.

"I..I just want to speak to him," BeBe attempted to step in but then felt herself being punched. Her nose was bleeding and her eye was swollen.

"Back off. Craig is mine you whore. If you come anywhere near him, if you even think about him, mark my words BeBe Stevens. I will hurt you. I will hurt you til theres no life left! I will kill you BeBe." He hissed. BeBe screamed.

~End of Flashback~

"Th-Then you came and saved me from be-being killed." BeBe sniffled, fake tears watered her grass-green eyes and rolled down her cheek. Tweek looked at her, shocked. His eyes filled with hatred, he opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by Craig.

"Your sick." Craig looked at Tweek, disgusted. Tweek looked at him, his chocolate eyes held a blank expression.

"Cr-Craig.. You don't believe that do you?" Tweek trembled.

"I...I don't know what to believe anymore Tweek..." Craig trailed off, avoiding eye-contact with Tweek. "I think you should go.."

"Your...Your breaking up with me?" Tweek's voice barely a whisper.

"I...I think it's for the be-best Tweek." Craig said crying.


BeBe was cuddled with Craig in his room, they were on his bed watching a film on her IPad. She pretended to sleep and soon enough, Craig fell asleep. She grinned and slowly rolled over, he moved a bit making her jump a little. She sighed with relief and grabbed his phone from the desk. She knew the password, it was 'Flip' she knew because he always flips people off. A smirk crawled on her face when she saw Tweek had texted him.

'Craig, I had nothing to do with BeBe, she put on make-up and this red liquid, rub her eye."

Son of a bitch. BeBe thought, she deleted the message and texted him.

'Fuck you, go die in a whole. BeBe is my only love, I never loved you.'

She sent it and then deleted it so Craig wouldn't see. When Tweek texted back, Craig would read it.


Tweek's POV

I looked at my phone and saw a text. From Craig. I read it and cried. How could he tell me to go die in a whole? I cried harder as I read it over and over. Why is he doing this to me? What have I ever done to him? I read the text once more and stopped crying, instead, my whole face changed, from distraught to angry. I clenched my jaw and fists. I tried to help him realise what she's doing, but he wont listen.


The Next Day

Craig and BeBe got off the bus hand in hand. I frowned and walked into school.

"Hey Tweek," Clyde sighed.

"Hey Clyde... What's wrong?" I asked, my face softening.

"Red broke up with me yesterday, I bought her a house and then she broke up with me," he sniffled. I rubbed his shoulder and smiled at him.

"There's plenty of other fish in the sea...Craig definately knows that.." I mumbled, loud enough for him the hear. Clyde conforted me and we saw Red coming up to us. Clyde frowned.

"Look Clyde, I'm really sorry. I only broke up with you because I thought you were hiding something bad from me.. It seemed like you didn't like me anymore which made me stop liking you... I'm so sorry.. Friends?" She smiled a bit and stuck her hand out. Clyde smiled back.


Last night I texted Craig telling him I wanted to fight after school. He agreed and I've been preparing ever since, I walked into lunch only to get pushed, I looked up and saw Craig smirking at me. Back to old times I guess.

"Fu-GAH!-ck off Tucker," I murmered. BeBe appeared beside him and grinned.

"Why don't we fight now?" Craig suggested making the caferteria rally up. I pretended to think before punching him in the face and tackling him to the ground. I punched him left, right and center. I threw him on a table and chocked him with his own hat. I've never felt this angry in my life.


Craig's POV

I watched Tweek leave and something hit me. This wasn't right. I shouldn't be with BeBe right now. I stood up and everyone was laughing at me. I went red with embarrassment and ran off the find Tweek. I couldn't find him, so I went to the back of the school, alone, and cried. As if on cue, Tweek sat beside me and wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"I taught you a lesson didn't I?" Tweek said arrogantly. I smiled a bit.

"Don't get too cocky, I could've kicked your ass if BeBe wasn't there." I smirked, he chuckled and he pinned me too the ground. "I could get used to this side of you Tweek."

"Well make the most of it 'cos you wont be seeing this side often." He smirked, I pouted and his kissed me. "I love you Craig.."

"Love you too Tweek Tweak." I said.

"Ugh fuck." A voice muttered, it was BeBe.


This was the final chapter but there is an Epiloge :p

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