Not An Update, Well It Is, But Not A Chapter

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Hi my little Muffins :) I hope everyone who's reading is enjoying :) I love all of you guys! Thanks for reading.

This is my first South Park fanfic and I did it for my second favourite South Park couple, Creek, they come after Me and Kenny (Kemilia is mine and Kenny's Ship name! XD!)

Anyways, I hope your all enjoying it and I hope this doesn't offend ANYONE, I respect everyone and everything except giant douchey haters :)

Haters Gonna Hate! Skaters gonna Skate! Painters gonna Paint! XD! Well Chapter Eleven will be up soon :) Hopefully today.

South Park has literally changed my life, it's changed my frame of mind aswell. I mean I've distanced myself from one of my friends named Hydie because she's.. GINGER! It's true. I'm sorry to anyone who's ginger, but some of them are so fucking EVIL! Hydie almost killed me in woodshop a few days ago! She was trying to make my hand get caught in a machine.

Evil Bitch >.<

Sehr geehrte Hydie,

Hydie wenn Sie jemals versucht, dass wieder, ich werde die Sommersprossen aus den Wangen wischen

Speaking German comes in handy :)

Anyways enough of my problems.. Back2U lovely Muffins :)

Here are my five steps to success:

Step One: Read my stories

Step Two: Vote for my storied

Step Three: Comment on my stories

Step Four : Follow and I'l follow back

 Step Five: Dude you just have to... Ship me and Kenny XD!

Well by-bye my Muffins, ma-make sure you vo- Make sure you v-v-vo-... Well bye my Muffins make sure you vo-... Vo-vo.. Make sure you vo-vo.. Well bye my Mu-Muffins make sure you v-vo-vo.. Make sure you vo-vo. Make sure you vo-vote.

How was my Jimmy impression? X-Fucking-D! Anyways. I'll update Creek today :)


-Amelia Out! ♥

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