Chapter Nine - Sober

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Craig's POV

The loud music from downstairs was ringing in my ears as I looked out the window and lit a cig. I looked over at Tweek and he was sleeping like a little baby. He was so adorable. I smiled and puffed out smoke. I looked down and saw someone with blonde hair... BeBe, she looked up and me and flipped me off. I rolled my eyes and flipped her off.

"Fuck you Craig!"

"You too BeBe," I said flipping her off with both hands. She huffed and walked away. I took the cig out of my mouth and (I don't know how your meant to put out a cigarette considering I've never smoked before #StraightEdge. Anywyas, do you throw it and stomp on it? Comment and tell me if you know <3).

I looked at Tweek again and he began to sit up I walked over to him, sat next to him and wrapped my arm around his shoulder, kissing his forehead.

"Craig?" He said confused.

"Yeah babe?" I answered.

"B-babe? Craig... Did we..."


Author's POV

"Back off giant turd." Stan growled.

"Fuck you hippie! KAHL!" Eric slurred.

"My name. Is not. Kahl."

Stan punched Eric in the face and kicked him in the gut. Cartman fell down and they started going at it, Kyle stood up and shook his head. He sighed, grabbed his coat and left Craig's house without anyone noticing. He shook of the feeling of Stan kissing his because he knew Stan and Wendy would get back together sooner or later.

Meanwhile, with Craig and Tweek....

"No... No...No!" Tweek began to shake, more than usual.

"What Tweeky." Craig attempted to put his thumb and Tweek's cheek but was cut off.

"Don't... Don't.." Tweek said.

"What?" Craig raised an eyebrow. He rubbed Tweek's cheek with his thumb.

"GAH! DON'T TOUCH ME!" An agitated Tweek yelled.

"Jesus man. Tweek, what's wrong? Your regretting it aren't you? Well it's too late now, my dick was in your ass so deal with it." Craig hissed harshly.

Tweek looked at him with disbelief. "ARG! I'm not regretting it Craig! That's the problem! I'm not regretting it. I want to GAH! Regret it but I can't! I just can't." He yelled before walking out and slamming the door, he ran down stairs and out of the door. He looked up and saw Craig starring at him through the opened window, Craigs eyes full of something he'd never seen before.

"I'm sorry" Craig mouthed.

Tweek just shook his head and ran home.


"Tweek Tweak, where have you been? It's 1am You were meant to be home an hour ago." Mr.Tweak said calmly.

"I texted you and told you I might be coming late." Tweek reminded Richard Tweak.

"Oh, sorry son, my phones was off. Well get up to your room, I'll make you a fresh cup of coffee. Fresh like the air in the country side." he said before walking to the kitchen.

"Ok, thanks dad." Tweek said before heading up to his room, thinking about Craig and his little incident.


Tweek's POV

I looked up at my ceiling and thought What would Kenny do?

I sighed and closed my eyes.

"Back off!" I yelled.

"Fuck you Tweek, I never loved you!" A muffled voice yelled back... Kenny.

"Just get over it! Craig and I are happy together, I love him and he loves me! We're the best couple ever! Deal with it!" I punched him in the face, when his head snapped back to mine, there was no trace of blood on it. I gasped and he launched at me.

"You. Fucking. Piece. Of Shit! I. Wish. You. Died! Better yet. I. Wish. You. Were. Never. Born! It was your coffee! Your fucking coffee Tweek! It was your Coffee that killed me! You poisoned me that time, remember? I came to your house and we chilled, then you gave me coffee that made me feel funny. Did you drug it? The hell do I know! I guess no one will ever fucking know who fucking killed me because your fucking dumbass memory is blocking out that moment of time!" He screamed banging my head on the concrete floor.

"ARG!! N-no!" I yelled. "I... GAH! I didn't! You died because there was a worm in your stomach!"

He cackled and shook his head. "That's what they all say." Suddenly, there was a loud ringing and Kenny slowly started to disappear.

"N-No!" I shrieked, tears falling down my eyes.

"So long Tweek...." His voice trailed off and I was left there, in the middle of nowhere. The loud ringing got louder and louder.

"GAH!" I screamed waking up, I looked around me... I was in the safety of my room. I sighed and the heard ringing, I looked on my desk and saw my alarm going mental. I turned it off and remembered everything in my dream. I didn't kill Kenny... Did I? No... It's impossible! I could've killed him... Maybe my dream was right... No!

"Tweek dear!" My mother called snapping me out of my mental battle.

"GAH! Yes mom?" I replied, not taking my eyes off the ceiling.

"Your friend is here to see you." She said all happy. My eyes widened and my heart began to race....

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