3 - A Golden Trio Reunion

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"SURPRISE!" everyone jumps out in unison, screaming at the new arrivals.

Two redheads jump slightly back in shock. One short but stocky, his freckles thick upon his face giving him almost a golden glow, the other, unlike his older brother, towered over his brother now, tall and lanky with a sharp nose and a face powdered with freckles.

Hermione latches onto the tallest, "Ronald!" She regards him.

Ron Weasley wraps his arms around Hermione's small frame, chuckling slightly to where it was more audible through her ear pressed upon his chest than it was otherwise. "Hermione!"

Hermione lets out a quick breath of air as Harry squeezes in for a hug, making a human sandwich with her in between. The trio had finally reunited once again after Ron had gone to Egypt with his brother to study dragons.

Hermione squeezed out, turning to Charlie, greeting him with the same warm hug. The two brothers had spent the last year in the depths of an Egyptian pyramid where they found an unusual breed of new dragon. Ron had never been the type to pursue a dangerous occupation, however, after the battle, it seemed he had a new outlook on life.

Ron and Hermione, who had dated for a brief period after the war had called it off about a year after. Not because of spite or dislike, but for the fact that their lives took them in completely different directions. Not wanting to hold the other back they decided it was time to move on, but had the ability to stay close friends, even stronger now.

"Now, let's eat before everything turns cold!" Mrs. Weasley announces over the loud chattering reunion. Her eyes teary with happiness, she turns, leading the group to the dining area, where a large rectangular table sits adorned with a feast that reminded Hermione of the meals at Hogwarts.

Hermione shakes her head, "You've outdone yourself once again Molly, this looks marvelous!"

"It isn't every day that I get my whole fam... well, the majority of the family together." Molly's voice cracks slightly at the thought of Fred, George's identical mischievous twin who had passed in the war, dying a hero alongside many other brave witches and wizards.

Ron lifts his glass, now full of butterbeer, "To Fred."

"To Fred!" everyone echoes, lifting their own glasses.

Soon the room was filled with happy chatter as the group began to eat. Hermione sits in the middle of Ron and Harry. Ron, to her right, Harry to her left, who also sits by his fiancée, Ginny.

Ron sits, eating quite fast, all the while speaking about the newest adventures at work. Hermione couldn't help but laugh at him, not loudly of course, but quietly to herself at the way he eats still. His cheek large, holding food such as a chipmunk would, his blue eyes large as he excitedly speaks.

"...and then we look down in the depths of the pyramid, there they were! A whole swarm of undiscovered dragons, no bigger than my hand! It was a breakthrough, you should have seen Charlie, he was barely able to compose himself."

"Me?!" Charlie pipes in, "if I recall correctly, I was trying to crawl up to one, very calmly I might add before this buffoon begins screaming. At first, I thought he had gotten hurt, but I looked, he had just found a nest of baby dragons. It was quite embarrasing."

Ron shoots his brother a glare before clearing his throat, "anyway, they let us name the species because we discovered them! Can you believe that?"

"And what did you name them?" Ginny asks.

Ron's nose wrinkled, "I wanted to name them Bilius Blue, it was brilliant!"

"It was anything but brilliant," Charlie once again pipes in. "Bilius Blue." With a shake of his head, he laughs at the thought. Ron glared once again.

"So? What did you name them?!" Ginny asked again.

"Crystal Winged Lasher," Charley said.

Ginny looked quite unimpressed.

"Their wings look like crystal," Charley explained, "you can actually see through them. But they have quite a feisty temper, they tend to lash out."

Ron grumbled, "and it was the only name we could semi agree on."

"You could have gone with Charlie's Crystal." His brother shot back in good nature.

"Not gonna happen," Ron shook his head.

After dinner the three head off outdoors, strolling by the blue pond. The sun just beginning to set, painting the skies with vibrant color. Hermione had always loved sunset at the Burrow. Her eyes close momentarily as the soft breeze blows back the hair that had fallen from her braid.

"So, you heard all about Charlie and I," Ron began, "what have you two been up to for the last year?"

"Well," Harry began, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, "You know I always wanted to be an Auror, so, that's that for me I suppose. Although after defeating Voldemort, there's not been much activity for us. The occasional sighting of a few death eaters who are on the loose, but pretty peaceful."

Ron nods his head, "I suppose that's a good thing though. That life of always watching our backs, it got old."

Hermione and Harry nod their heads, thinking back on the dark days.

"And you Hermione?" Ron asks.

"Oh, um..." Hermione turned a shade of pink. "I just, uh, just recently got a job teaching, at Hogwarts."

"Of course she did!" Ron laughed. "And what do you teach?"

"Uh, Muggle studies."

Ron nods his head, "Fitting! You would be very knowledgable in that area."

"...and Defense Against the Dark Arts," she continued sheepishly. Ron glances at her in shock. "... and History of Magic." She grins awkwardly up at Ron.

"Blimey Hermione!" Ron laughs heartily. "Only you! How do you do it? You use that time necklace thing?"

"The Time-Turner? Oh no! It's all me, in real time."

The boys laugh, Hermione chuckled, it's not every day they get to laugh at her without her getting angry, but she did realize the silliness of it all.

Late night the family said their goodbyes, the trio part with promises to stay in better touch with one another, especially with Ron, beings he's so far away. Hermione waves, her hands firmly grasped around her clutch, and with a loud pop, she apparates, returning back in her living room, Crookshanks still lounging in the same spot as he was when she had left. "You daft cat," Hermione laughs, removing her heels, "Good night Crookshanks." With a turn on her heel, she makes her way into her room, changing into a pink nightgown and flopping down on her bed.

A book rests upon her chest as sleep takes her, oblivious to the darkness ahead.

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