26 - A Lesson in Happiness

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Draco stepped outside, inhaling deeply through his nose before closing the door behind him and making his way toward the pond where Hermione had set the training at. His head swung from side to side taking in the landscape, however, Hermione was not part of his surroundings.

With a sigh, he gazes out across the pond's neighboring field, the tall grass swaying in the wind.

A pair of hands swiftly wrap around his face, covering his eyes. "Guess who?"

Draco's solemn expression changed instantly into a lopsided grin. "I don't do guessing games."

"You have to, or I'll never let go."

"I think I could live with that, but," Draco swiftly grabbed Hermione's hands, twisting gently to where they now faced each other. "This is better."

"That's cheating," Hermione protested.

"Why? It's better this way."

Hermione smiled shyly, allowing herself to lean into Draco's body slightly. Her face tilted upward toward Draco's, focusing on his eyes.

Draco leaned in toward her parted lips, before stopping just an inch from hers. He cleared his throat, "So uh," he straightened up.

Hermione stood quickly, pulling herself away from Draco's grasp, "Sorry I was late, I was checking in with Sophia." She stumbled over her words.

"How is she doing?"

"The tea helped a lot, but she still looks rough."

Draco shook his head. No telling what unbelievable things his old crowd had done to her.

"So um, lessons." Hermione struggled to steady her wavering voice.

~~~~~ * ~~~~~ * ~~~~~ * ~~~~~ * ~~~~~

Draco stands with his wand held in his grasp the way Hermione had instructed, Hermione strolls around him, Draco can't help but to allow his gaze to follow her, turning slightly as she walks behind him.

"Focus Draco." Hermione sighs, however, when his head spins back around she allowed a small smile tug at her lips. Checking his form, she reaches around, correcting his stance.

Draco smiled at her touch. "Okay, okay, I got it. Now what? Expecto Patronum!" He swished the wand in vain, as nothing happened.

Hermione couldn't help but laugh. "See that's what makes the Patronus such a powerful spell. It takes more than a magic word and a swish of a wand."

Draco groaned playfully, "C'mon Hermione."

Hermione rolled her eyes, ignoring his comment, "It takes emotion."


"Yes Draco, emotion." Hermione busied herself adjusting Draco's stance. "Think about your happiest moment. Let it fill you up. You know the feeling when you're so happy that you feel you're going to explode?"


Hermione continued, "C'mon Draco something has had to make you happy."

Draco sighed, closing his eyes he runs through his memories. None struck him as happy, growing up in the manor with Lucius Malfoy as a father didn't really conjure a 'happy' feeling. He shook his head.

"Try Draco."

"I am trying Hermione! You don't understand, I have no happy memories. Growing up with darkness and hatred being shoved into my veins every moment from birth. My only 'happy' moments are those that I somewhat pleased my deranged father, but those aren't really sunshine and rainbows, now are they?"

Hermione walked around, coming to a stop in front of Draco, her lips set into a small disappointed smile. "I can't understand, but I do try. How about Hogwarts when you were away from the Manor?"

There she goes again, Draco thought, boldly taunting him with those sweet lips, her hair flowing in that wild way that only Hermione can do, the sun setting off a golden halo bouncing from her locks. Draco swallowed hard, his eyes training upon her lips those stunning lips that hold the most beautiful smile. Reaching out, his fingers dance across her cheek before grasping behind her head, his fingers getting ensnared in her wild curls, taking a small step forward he bends slightly, pressing his lips to hers. An electric shock flooding through his body, his head swims with ecstasy.

Hermione pulls back as Draco's lips blanket over her own, but only for a moment before allowing herself to melt into his embrace, his hand roaming through her hair, his other wrapping around her back. His kiss became more urgent with her acceptance to his kiss.  Her breath seems to be getting sucked out by this man, but instead of pulling away she wraps her hands around his neck, forcing him to come closer, deepening their kiss, her fingertips dance across the base of his neck causing a new sensational chill to run down his spine.

Draco pulled away reluctantly, his breath heavy, placing his forehead upon Hermione's, his left hand cupped her cheek, grinning widely at her response, he had been sure she would have beat him senseless for pulling such a stunt, but instead she welcomed his kiss, maybe a little reluctantly, but welcomed it all the same.

"That," Draco sighed, still drunk in bliss, "will fuel my happy thoughts to the point of overflooding."

Hermione reluctantly pulled from his grasp, lowering her eyes, peering at Draco through her lashes, timidly tucking a strand of hair behind her ear before clearing her throat, "let's try it again then."

Draco's lips tugged up into a crooked grin, grabbing his wand his thoughts were swimming with the electrifying kiss they had just exchanged. He drew in a deep breath, focusing upon those thoughts, his wand flits about in a rhythmic beat, "Expecto Patronum!" his voice strong and powerful, as a silvery mist shoots from his wand, making its way upward into the sky before bursting into a large bird, spreading it's wings majestically.

Hermione wrapped her arms around him, "Draco you did it!"

"A bird?" Draco's nose wrinkled slightly.

"No Draco, it's a Falcon. This is perfect for you, don't you see?"

Draco shook his head.

With a deep breath Hermione began, "the falcon Patronus symbolizes a troubled soul that has chosen to cast away all their evil, down the right path. No matter what kind of evil may lurk and follow you, you choose to stay in the light." With another deep breath, she continues, "It symbolizes your freedom, Draco. No one can stop you."

"Do they have a book about the Patronus charm?"

"Maybe." Hermione smirked, "I might have read it, you know for a little light reading." She paused, her lips parted into a large smile, "I'm am so proud of you!" Her hands wrapped tightly around Draco's neck, pulling him down into another kiss.

A kiss that Draco did not refuse, instead his hands wrapped around her waist, as her hands played through his blonde locks.

Their bliss is shattered at the sound of a shrill scream coming from the burrow, exchanging deeply worried glances at one another Draco and Hermione race back toward the homestead.

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