18 - A Great Dueler

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Draco gathers up the few scattered items that lay upon the floor of the cave, shoving them into the small bag. His thoughts swimming in his head, threating to explode out, he mentally kicked himself for spilling his feelings to Hermione. He knew deep down she deserved better than what he could offer, however, on the other hand, he felt  lighter, almost relieved that these feelings weren't trapped inside anymore.

He must be going crazy he concluded. Because he of his weakness he was about to walk into what he was for sure would be a death trap for him. Draco shook his head, no, he argued with himself, this wasn't a weakness, it was something bigger, stronger than anything he'd known before. At least, if anything, Hermione will be safe. Potter was still one person that Draco despised, however regardless of his feelings for him, one thing he knew Potter could do is keep Hermione safe. With a deep sigh, Draco lifted the bag, throwing it over one shoulder before exiting the cave.

Draco stopped at the sight of Hermione lifted up off the ground by a brute of a man. With one swift movement, Draco dropped the bag to the ground, his feet pounded upon the rocky terrain as he ran toward the man, whose attention was engrossed solely upon Hermione.

Rearing back, his fist flies, all of his power gathering into his arm, connecting firmly with the man's jaw, causing him to release Hermione before stumbling to the ground, his hand gripping and swinging through the air, the backside of his hand slapping Draco's face.

"Don't you touch her!"

The man laughed, "Well! It really is my lucky day!" Spitting out a little bit of blood he stares Draco in the eye, "I'll show you mine if you show me yours!" He twists his arm revealing the dark mark.

Draco absentmindedly tugged on his shirt sleeve ensuring his mark was covered. "You work for my aunt? Did she send you?"

"HA! I work for the greater good!" he sneered showing his yellowed teeth now tainted with blood. "She didn't send me, but she's looking for you. Imagine the reward I'll get when I drag you back to the manor."

"We're not going anywhere with you." Hermione glared.

"On the contrary love, it wasn't an option." He reaches, pulling out his wand.

Draco swiftly grabbed his wand from his pocket in a quick sweeping movement before sticking out his left arm, shoving Hermione behind him. "Not on your nelly."

"Let's see if your wand work is as good as your punch," he gruffly laughed.

Within seconds sparks fly from both wands, colliding in an explosion of color. The two send hex after curse, only to be deflected. Both were good duelers, Hermione only wished she had her wand to help, instead, she stood helpless watching as Draco spun around, barely missing an unknown curse. She was impressed at Draco's swift movements as if performing a well-practiced dance routine.

"EXPELLIAMUS" Draco yelled out, his spell hitting the unknown death eater, his wand flying.

The man fell once again, breathing deeply before making a low guttural sound, his shoulders shaking. At first, Hermione thought he was sobbing, until his head picked up exposing a grin. This fool, he was laughing.

Draco stood over him, his eyes locked and a sneer of pure hatred painted his face. His wand picked up, pointing at the man.


"Draco! Draco, please no!" Hermione rushed behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist.

Draco's expression softened slightly at her touch, however his eyes stayed firmly locked with the brute.

"Draco you can't. That curse is unforgivable. It's evil."

"I can do it," Draco threatened through clenched teeth, "I've done it before. It won't be anything."

"Draco, you're better than that. Please. There are other ways."

The man stands, his laugh growing deeper, "I can't believe this. You, son of Lucius Malfoy, are in love. With a mudblood!" His laugh deepens, clenching his side. "This is too good."

"You stay away from her!" Draco threatened, "and if I ever catch you with your hands on her again I'll kill you!"

Another roar of laughter, "Your little puppet master will see that you don't."

"Stupefy!" Draco's spell hit the man, knocking him unconscious. He spun around looking at Hermione. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" He noticed the bold bruise forming on her neck, with swirls of blue and purple forming a rough outline of a hand. His fingertip gingerly brushes her neck, stopping as she cringed at his touch. He cursed aloud.

"Draco, I'm fine, really." She glanced up her eyes locking upon his lips, "Draco, your lip is bleeding."

Draco reached up, touching his split lip with his fingertips, the bright red liquid felt warm and thick, he gently chuckled as he pulled his fingers away, "I didn't even realize..." Another sharp pain pierced his skin, "Damn it!" he hissed before falling to his knees.

"Draco!" Hermione glanced around, catching sight of the bag Draco had dropped near the entrance of the cave. A deep guttural groan caught her attention, the brute was beginning to stir. Glancing down, she saw Draco's wand which he had dropped before falling to his knees. Falling to the ground, she snatches the wand, holding it firmly swinging it toward the death eater, "Obliviate," she mutters. Grabbing ahold of Draco firmly, "Accio backpack." The pack flies toward them, grasping it as it flies by, pulling it close to their bodies, with a loud pop they disappear.

Touching ground again, Hermione releases the bag, crawling to get closer to Draco who has now rolled to his side, in a fetal position still in obvious pain. "Draco, it's okay, we're safe now." Her hand stroking his cheek.

Despite the constant pain, Draco found comfort in Hermione's presence. Minutes pass until Draco was able to sit upright, his breathing labored but he managed to speak, "Where are we?"

"I used your wand, we're close by the Weasley's Burrow."


"Yes Draco, burrow." She stood, looking over the tall grass lining the pond, the burrow forming a striking black outline against the setting colors of the sky. She sighed a breath of relief at the familiar sight knowing safety was just a few yards away.

Draco sighed, he wasn't too thrilled about this idea. "Well, let's do this shall we?" Grabbing his bag, slinging it over his shoulder once again, he stood.


"Harry!" Hermione ran up to the figure walking towards them, her arms wrapping tightly around his neck.

Harry's arms wrapped around Hermione, pulling her into a hug. "Are you okay? Where have you been? We've been looking everywhere for y..." Harry's voice drops as his attention catches the lone figure behind his friend.

"YOU!" He raised his wand, "Hermione get behind me! You were followed."

"NO!" Hermione dodged around Harry's arm, coming to a stop between the wand and Draco.

"Hermione move! He's a death eater!"

"Is this Harry being understanding?" Draco whispered in Hermione's ear, his eyes unwavering from the tip of the wand.  The owner of the wand that had finished the Dark Lord.  The wand that held his life in its core.  Draco gulped slightly, forget Azkaban, he was about to be blown up.

A/N - Hello once again!  I just wanted to take a moment to thank those who have been following this story, especially @CeceLouise1 who has been offering great encouragement and keeping me going on this story.  I really appreciate your feedback and your ongoing support, especially because I respect you as an author.  If you haven't yet checked out her writing I would strongly encourage you to do so, it's magical!

Secondly, I updated my book cover.  I like it better than the last but I'm not sure about it.  Thoughts?

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