24 - Into the Lair

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Hermione reaches for her wand, her chest beginning to ache at the air trying to escape, next to her, she could feel Draco's hand reaching for his wand at the same time. He glanced at her, warning her not to move.

Blaise's eyes now darted, landing in the area of Bill.

"Zabini, let's go, this place gives me the creeps," Frank said.

"Frank so help me shut up!" Zabini snarled before taking another step toward the group, his hand reaching out, just a foot away from Bill's face, before jerking his arm back, clenching his arm, a pained expression on his face, while Frank let out a loud grunt, his whole arm wrapped closely into his large abdomen.

"Damn it." Zabini cursed, "let's go." With a loud pop, the two disappear.

In unison the group let out a deep huff, their lungs rejoicing at the air.  Draco lifted his arm, studying his dark mark that lay silently on his arm.

"Draco!" Hermione grabbed Draco's arm, "Your mark! Did you feel anything?" 

"Not a thing!" his stomach turned with excitement, but he controlled it, allowing himself to grin slightly.

"Let's go." Bill stood.

The group ran stealthily on their toes, in hopes of making as little noise as possible, pressing their backs upon the cold damp stone walls. Ron stood on his toes, craning his neck to peer inside one of the broken windows.

He shook his head, a quiet signal that said he saw no signs of life.  Bill burst through the door first, wand drawn, followed by the other 5 wizards, wands pointed in the direction they faced.

Draco's heart pounded in his chest. A horrid stench assaulted his nose, a combination of an old musty cellar and death.

"Remember, we're looking for a green and grey box," Malfoy said, allowing his wand to drop to his side while peering into the dim-lit room. One chair sat in the far corner, next to it was a door, the door handle tinted in a reddish-brown. On the other side of the room sat the remains of an unused kitchen, a broken table lay crookedly upon three legs. Beyond the kitchen, a second door.

"Spread out, keep a sharp eye out, ears open. We meet here in 30. Send out the signal if you find it before that." Bill added.

"We don't leave without Sophia," Harry added.

With a quick grave nod, the group disperses into their given groups. Bill and Harry reluctantly enter the door closest to the chair. Draco led the way, entering the door by the kitchen as George and Ron stayed in the living area, peering into every crack and behind every loose board.

Hermione and Draco peered into the seemingly bare room. A few shelves stuck out from the walls, adorned more with thick webs and dust than trinkets or gadgets, however, the room seemed to be used as the floors seemed to be free of these two tale signs of inhabitation. With a light shining from her wand, Hermione sets off to explore the shelves, cringing at the human skull that sat proudly upon the first, with a sigh, her eyes move on scanning each inch.

Draco steps towards the further wall, wand in hand as his eyes peer into a small crack in the wall.

Twenty-five minutes pass as the pair searches, with a sigh Hermione breaks the silence. "I don't think it's here."

Draco groaned, "I think you're right. I don't know where else to look! Time's almost up." He strolls toward Hermione before coming to a quick stop.

"What's wrong?"

"Shh, listen," Draco whispers, stepping lightly upon the floor in different spots.

"It's hollow!"

Together they drop to the ground, feeling around for a way to pull up the boards.

"HERE!" Draco exclaims as his fingers fall into a small hole, lifting. "Help me, it's heavy."

Together they lift the hidden cellar door, Hermione's wand shines in, barely penetrating the darkness.

"I'll go first," Draco said, his legs dangle over the hole before dropping in. He holds his wand out, illuminating the room a bit better. "It's alright."

Hermione's legs hit the floor, "We better hurry." Her legs stride quickly towards the wall, her hands feeling around.

"Hermione! I found it!" Draco called out. "I need help, I can't get to it!"

Hermione rushed over, peering into a small hole. "Accio box." He commanded to no avail, his fingers reach in pushing against the stone wall.

"Let me try, my hand is smaller." Hermione took a deep breath, trying to push aside all visions of any surprises that could be inside the hole.

"Be careful. This seems a little too simple." Draco warned, his head moving around, waiting for the unexpected.

"I got it! I can't pull it out though." Hermione dropped the box closer to the wall, pulling out her fingers, inserting her index and middle fingers, trying to grasp it. Fumbling a few times before the box finally emerged from the opening, a cold sensation shot through her fingers and up her arm, knocking her back suddenly.

"Hermione!" Draco rushed to her side, reaching out to help her up. "What happened? Are you alright?"

"I'm fine." Hermione ensured, pushing herself up onto her elbows, her head spun slightly before steadying, her eyes catching a familiar black hooded creature floating up behind Draco. The air chill dropped drastically. "Draco watch out!"

Draco spun around, face to face with the dementor, his wand in hand. Hermione reaches for her wand, only to find that it wasn't around.

"Draco! I can't find my wand, it must have landed somewhere when I was knocked back."

Draco backed up into the wall, holding his hand up he shouted off spell after spell to no avail.

"Draco! The Patronus charm you HAVE to use the Patronus charm!" Hermione's fingers clutched around the box, her other sweeping across the dirt floor in pursuit for her wand.

"I don't know th..." Draco's words become strained before cutting off completely as the dementor leaned over, his body flooded with a suffocating feeling of unhappiness.  

Draco's vision became blurred, his ears ringing. Eyes becoming heavy, he fights to keep them open before a bright light filled the room, an otter bounding playfully straight into the dementor, releasing him from the kiss. He gasped for air as he felt Hermione's arms scoop him up from behind.

"Come on Draco we have to get out of here!" Her frantic voice comes as she glances into the hole, more dementors begin to slowly pool out. "Draco please!"

The ringing begins to cease, as her frantic pleas begin to sink in. Struggling to his feet he pulls her arm, leading the way to the hole leading up to the main floor. Grabbing onto Hermione's waist, he lifts her up, helping her reach the ledge and pulling herself up, her wand sticking back down allowing her Patronus to keep the cloaked figures away allowing Draco time to leap up, his fingers latching on the edge of the floor above him, his arms begin to pull himself up, before he lets himself drop back into the makeshift cellar.  

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