12 - Ultimate Revenge

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Hermione's hair whipped around, as she spun quickly on her heel, Draco's wand held firmly in her unsteady hand.

Lucius stands in a doorway, his eyes narrow at the sight of Draco's wand within Hermione's grasp. "I see you've helped yourself to our belongings," he sneered, "Again."

"I've already contacted Harry," Hermione lied, "I've told him where I am, and he's already on his way."

Lucius chuckled, "not a very good bloody liar are you mudblood?"

Hermione swallowed the hard, she had never been a good liar.

Lucius raised his wand pointing it directly toward the prisoner. "We can do it the hard way, or the easier on me way."

Hermione stands fast, "How about the way that I don't die?"

"I'm afraid that's not on the agenda," Lucius chuckles slightly.

"Then, I guess we'll go the hard way." With an expert flick of the wand, Hermione's silent disarming spell hits Lucius, knocking his wand from his grasp.

Lucius lets out a small laugh, clapping slowly. "Not bad for a mudblood. I see you've mastered spells without verbally saying them. Such a great accomplishment."

Hermione glares, thrown back at his cheerfulness.

"Next time," Lucius continues, "Maybe don't use a spell that's so forgiving!"

"STUPEFY!" A second voice sounds from behind her.

Not again, Hermione thinks as the all too familiar sensations swept over her body as she began to fall. The last thing she sees is Goyle's smug face stepping from the shadows.

Draco groans as his body begin to stir, a pounding headache throbbing inside his skull. He reaches for the base of his skull, his fingertips dance gently about a bump.

That crazy witch, Draco cursed Hermione. After all, he was just trying to help. He sits up, realizing someone had moved him from the cell into his bedroom. What had she used to hit him with?

A knock at the door echoed in his head as if someone had knocked on his skull.

"Yeah?" Draco groaned.

The door opened slightly as a familiar face peeked in.

"Draco, honey, how do you feel?" Narcissa asked. Draco answered with a groan. "Your aunt wants to see you."

Draco frowned, he was in for it now. His carelessness had lost his aunts prisoner now his doom lingered over his head.

With a huff, he pushed himself off the bed. Might as well get this on with.

Hermione's eyes flutter open, once again she sits upon a chair bound by ropes, however instead of the familiar cell she had occupied for almost two weeks, she now sits alone in a large open room. Dark grey walls, no windows, and one door to the left of her. The floor hard and cold as if made from cement.

"Well great," she mutters to herself.

She sits quietly calculating her next plan of action.

Draco pushes open the swinging doors, entering the room where his father, Goyle, and his estranged aunt, sit quietly.

"Oh, Draco!" Bellatrix stands, embracing the boy in her arms. "I'm so glad you're okay, that mudblood wench..."

"Where is she?" Draco interrupted.

"Being detained. Goyle here was able to capture her once again." Bellatrix patted Goyle's head, a smug look painted upon his face. "The horrid girl. Attacking you as she did."

"Tell him!" Lucius egged on Bellatrix.

"Tell me what?"

Bellatrix allows a sinister smirk play at the edge of her lips, "I have saved her for you."

Draco's brows furrow, unsure of what his aunt had meant. Glancing at Goyle's face of triumph, he doubted it was anything he'd be thrilled about. "I don't..."

Bellatrix interrupted him, "That filthy mudblood my boy! I have saved her for you. I had originally planned on trying one of the Dark Lord's spells on her, but I bet after what she did to you, you'd like nothing more than to dispose of her yourself! Your first kill Draco! Can't you feel the adrenaline pulsing through your veins?" His aunt's twisted thoughts on murder turned Draco's stomach. Although he had done many heinous deeds while becoming a death eater, murdering someone had not been added to his list of crimes.

"You want me to... wait... What?!"

"You're going to have your ultimate revenge!" Goyle chuckles.

Bellatrix extends her hand toward Draco, in her open palm lay his wand, "Come on my boy. There's nothing quite like your first...." Her lips continued to move, however, her words had been lost to his ears as his hand reached for his wand.

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