7 - A Small Act Of Kindness

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Hermione lays on the makeshift bed, tears running down her cheeks. She hated this feeling, of helplessness and lack of determination. It had only been 24 hours since being captured and trapped in the depths of Malfoy Manor but had seemed like an eternity. She hadn't seen anyone since Pansy had used the unforgivable course on her, although it hadn't been long enough to do much damage, Hermione couldn't help but wonder the effect that it had on her brain, she had thought she remembered Draco himself knocking Pansy to the ground, but that didn't make sense, after all, Draco was the one who had brought her here.

Her ears perk at soft footsteps sounding down the hall, it had to be close to midnight. She looked up, meeting the icy grey eyes of her captor.

Draco's eyes meet Hermione's, he can see the lack of spark that usually inhabits her soul. Hermione glares, her lips curl in a snarl, Draco's first instinct reaction was to match the intensity of her snarl, however, he refrains, after all, he hadn't been expecting a friendly welcome from her.

Instead, he holds up a white bowl, "I brought you something to eat," with a swish and a muttered charm the door unlocks, his eyes never waiving from Hermione in the corner, prepared for an attack, but to his shock, she remained on the bed. 

Hermione wanted nothing better than to smash the chair over the blonde mop of Draco's head, however, her strength had left, barely able to push herself up from the plank, still weakened from the Cruciatus curse, so instead, she still glared, hoping the fear inside didn't show upon her face.

Draco sits the bowl of food next to her, "It's just a bit of stew."

"And why would I eat something you give me?" Hermione's nose wrinkled with disgust.

"Fine don't eat it," Draco sneered through clenched teeth, "Won't hurt me either way, I just thought you'd like some as I'm sure you haven't been offered anything all day." With a shake of his head and one last sneer he turns on his heels heading out the cell door muttering "Ungrateful witch," he turns, casting the locking spell once again before calling back to her in a whispered drawl, "Better eat, it will disappear in 30 minutes." With that he leaves, his footsteps fading until they become silent.

Hermione glances at the bowl, sniffing it slightly. She was hungry, after all the last meal was over 24 hours ago at the Weasley's burrow. Reflecting on her previous state of energy Hermione reluctantly decided that if she were going to have any hope of making it out alive, she had better eat, she cautiously picked up the fork, stabbing a carrot and bringing it to her lips, taking a small bite, the sweet savory carrot explodes her mouth with flavor. Quickly eating the rest of the stew, she licks the fork clean, shoving it in between the planks of wood of the bed, this would come in handy as a weapon.

Moments later the bowl disappears, Hermione quickly peers in the hiding spot, sighing with disappointment at the fact that the fork had disappeared as well, leaving her back at square one, but with a full stomach.


Draco smiles as the empty bowl appears on his nightstand. He had been sure she would not eat, but he still had to try. He had charmed it to appear in his personal room for fear that it would be discovered by someone else that he had given the prisoner food. With a wave of his wand over the bowl he allows it to reappear in the kitchen.

He lays upon his disheveled bed, his arms folded, hands behind his head staring up into the ceiling. Although it was just a simple ridiculous attempt of kindness, he felt good about it. He smiled, his first genuine smile in a long time. He never had done something to help another, unless it had benefited him in some way as well, especially never helped a muggle, in any form.

It felt weird that giving a prisoner a meal would bring him this good feeling. It struck him as odd. After all, he was the reason she was in there, to begin with, this realization sucked the good feeling out of his soul. Although he had enough courage to sneak a bowl of stew in the dead of the night, he still lacked courage where it really mattered.

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