8 - An Unwanted Guest

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A few days pass at Malfoy Manor. Hermione paces the floor of the cell, feeling completely maniacal. The only social interaction she has had in days is the sneering grimace of Draco Malfoy as he brought in a small serving of food in the evenings. Even then they wouldn't talk, just banter back and forth as he walks away shaking his head complaining of the ridiculous stubborn muggle-born witch, to her surprise she was baffled by the lack of "mudblood" in his vocabulary.

Although Draco Malfoy was far from the enlightened company that Hermione would have hoped for, she had come to look forward to his nightly short-lived drawls, only because it kept her feeling like she was still alive and not dead somewhere trapped between dimensions, forgotten by everyone.

She had been certain that she had been reported as missing. After all, she hadn't been to work in a few days. She knew that Harry would be looking for her, she had only hoped they could find where it was she had gone to. Hermione let out a deep sigh just as the dim light of sunrise creeps into her cell through the small window in the corridor leading to the cell.

* * *

Draco is awakened by the quick raps on his bedroom door.

"Draco!" Lucius' voice booms into the peaceful room.

Draco mumbles out a response.

"Your mother and I have to go to a small death eater meeting. I need you to stay here, Fenrir will be coming by shortly for a few things, they're in my office so if you could give them to him and send that werewolf off, I'd rather not have him in the manor longer than what is needed."

Draco's face twists in disgust. Fenrir Greyback was the most savage werewolf ever to exist, notorious for his unquenchable thirst for blood.

"Draco!" His father raises his voice again, "I don't want that good for nothing beast in the house longer than what's needed. Do you understand?!"

"YES! I hear you, I understand!" Draco responds.

With that Lucius shuts the door.

"Not like I want him here either," Draco mumbles, he sneers at the thought of how Greyback had mocked him back in the Astronomy Tower at Hogwarts in his sixth year when he had mocked his inability to follow through with the murder of Professor Dumbledore. The whole recollection brings back sour memories, leaving a sickening feeling at the pit of his stomach.

With a groan, he rubs his face with the palm of his hands. Swinging his legs over the edge of his bed, he grabs his wand before making his way into the bathroom, grabbing a dark green towel on the way in.

* * *

Draco fiddles with his wand, sitting in the study, the small green and grey box for Greyback currently floating in the air, dancing to the smooth movements of his wand. He had been tempted to find out what was in the box, however, a spell had been placed upon it to be opened by only the recipient, so he had resorted to watching it float about.

He lowered the box, landing it gently in the palm of his hand. Whatever was inside had to be quite small, but why go through the lengths of sealing it. Draco brought it closer to his face, his nose mere inches from it. Holding it close to his ear he gave it a quick shake, listening to something rattle lightly within.

"LUCIUS!" A strong voice echoes through the house. The voice of the unwanted guest. Draco jumped off the chair, making his way to the foyer with a quickened pace. The sooner the box was in Fenrir's hands the sooner he would be out of Draco's hair.

Fenrir stood in the middle of the large entranceway, his eyes trained in the direction of the sounds of Draco's hurried footsteps long before he was in view, a smug snarl playing at his lips.

"Draco, little cowardice pup." A smile parts his lips, more beast than human features harsh and intimidating.

Draco snarled, pure hatred and disgust oozing out of his pores, "Why don't you show a little respect for your betters!" he spat.

Fenrir let out a booming laugh, "betters?" he repeated, laughing once more.

Draco sneered, "Yeah you foul half breed."

Fenrir's face sobers, snarling and taking a step toward Draco.

Draco holds up his wand in warning, causing Fenrir to stop, he gave a smug look. "Have to hide behind a wand, can't fight man to man? You're still a coward."

"And you're hardly a man," Draco drawled, "Take your box and get out."

Fenrir, still smiling smugly, his abnormally large hairy hand reaches for the box. He stops short, sniffing in the air, a menacing smile shows his canine-like teeth. "I recognize that smell." His voice growls, causing Draco's stomach to turn.

Draco thrusts the box toward the werewolf, but to no avail, for Fenrir has quickly taken off in a trot toward the holding cell.

Draco curses loudly, quickly setting off after Greyback. "STUPEFY!" Draco shouts, however, the spell misses the beast as he turns the corner disappearing down the hall.

He better not hurt her, I'll kill him! Draco curses again, quickening his pace.

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