30 - Last Solemn Moments

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"Just sit down and eat," Molly unintentionally snapped at the group who seemed to be wandering around aimlessly. She sat down, her hands placed in her lap, however, even she couldn't bear to eat the breakfast she and Fleur had provided.

Even Ron, who is always seemingly hungry stood pacing the floor giving occasional sideways glances toward Sophia who was currently standing in the corner of the room, her eyes fixated upon the plaque hanging upon the wall, however, her eyes bore through it instead of on it.

Hermione sat before robotically grabbing the fork by her plate, spearing a large chunk of scrambled eggs. Absentmindedly chewing, she didn't notice Draco as he walked into the kitchen from making rounds around the house. His skin seemed paler than usual, his body movements seemed robotic as well, matching the aura of his surroundings.

"Draco dear, why don't you eat something." Molly insisted.

"Thank you, Mrs. Weasley." Draco sat opposite of Hermione, causing her to look up. He gave Hermione a small smile, far different than his usual smirk.

A loud siren sounds off, causing Hermione's heart to beat erratically, her eyes glanced at Draco who was sitting on the edge of his seat.

"It's the Headmistress and the teachers from Hogwarts!" Charlie called out.

Everyone visibly relaxed, all but Hermione and Draco stood to go out to meet the newcomers.

Draco glanced over at Hermione who sat motionless in her chair her face void of any emotions, her hands wringing in her lap. He stood, making his way to Hermione sitting next to her and placing a pale hand upon hers. He smiled as her eyes gazed upon his face, but only for a moment before glancing back down, causing his smirk to disappear.

"Hey, you okay?"

Hermione only nodded.

"Something seems to be bothering you." Draco continued, nodding toward her hands.

Hermione pulled her hands apart, "Well, I mean yeah, we're going to war tonight."

"It seems deeper than that," Draco stated, "I don't mean to pry."

Hermione sighed deeply, "It's just that after the war with Voldemort, I was naive as to think that it was all over; but here we are again, going down the same road as before. Facing the same evil." She breaths in a shaky deep breath, "and all I can think about are the ones I love most. We've lost so many loved ones in the first war, and now..." her voice cracks as a tear slid down her cheek, "now, how many more will we lose?"

Unsure of what to say, Draco nodded silently before reaching for Hermione's hand, intertwining his long slim fingers with hers. "I can't say I understand, because I really don't. I didn't lose anyone close to me during the war, I didn't really have anyone I really cared for, but now, I do." Draco's eyes averted, as he cleared his throat. "I have friends now, real friends, and... well, I have..."

"Me?" Hermione smiled slightly.

"You." Draco's smile reached his eyes, before he added hurriedly, "if that's okay."

"I think I'll manage." Hermione teased.

"Mornin' to yeh." A voice boomed into the kitchen.

"Hagrid!" Hermione leaped from her seat, greeting the burly bearded man in a hug, her arms not quite making it halfway his middle.

Hagrid wrapped his large arms around Hermione, before raising a beefy finger to his cheek, wiping away a tear that was streaming down his cheek. "Hullo Mr. Malfoy." Hagrid greeted Draco.

Draco stood and smiled, extending his hand toward the half-giant, "Draco will do if you don't mind."  He winced in pain as Hagrid squeezed his hand in their handshake.

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