19 - Games of the Demented

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"I swear Harry if you don't lower that wand I'll hex you myself!" Hermione looked pointedly at Harry, her eyes narrowed, on the verge of being closed completely.

Harry glared, mostly because of the setting darkness, "How do I know you're not under the Imperious curse?"

Hermione sighed, she didn't blame him for the caution, but it agitated her all the same. "Fine, test me!"

Harry began his interrogation as he had been taught when joining the team of Aurors. Once he was satisfied with the answers, he let down his wand, eye still trained untrustingly upon the blonde who had, to his astonishment, stayed silent through the whole ordeal. "Fine Hermione, but if he steps one toenail out of line I'll..." he finishes his sentence with a hateful glare instead of words.

Draco glared back his lip lifting in a sneer, still remaining silent, for Hermione's sake.

Silently Harry leads them toward the burrow, darkness now swallowing it completely, only to be seen by the soft glow streaming from the windows.

Harry opened the door, entering first, Hermione stepping out from behind him to see all the Weasley family gathered in the living area.

"Hermione!" They all cry in unison, everyone jumping from their seats crowding over to her.

Hermione watched as her second family came rushing toward her, their relief flooding the room, she couldn't help but cry.

"Oh dear!" Molly embraced her in a tight hug, her sob catching in her throat

Draco stood in the doorway, watching Hermione's warm welcome from the redheaded clan. He snarled silently as Ron pulled Hermione into a hug, knowing they had once had something going on, he began to wonder if they still were together. Even though the embrace lasted only a few moments, Draco squirmed uneasily as it felt their touch lasted a lifetime, his fists clenched tightly, but took all his being to control his urge to pummel him.

"What's he doing here?" Ron spat, being the first to spot Draco in the doorway.

"He's with me." Hermione stepped in front of Draco protectively.

Draco smiled contently inside, his face stayed neutral.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Ron's eyes darted between the two. "Harry you check her for the Imperious curse?"

"Of course he did you daf..." George began, being interrupted by his mother.

"Now George, Hermione is home! No arguing. Isn't that why we're all here?"

"You are all here for me?" Hermione asked.

"Of course." Ginny now spoke.

"Professor McGonagall..." George began.

"Headmaster McGonagall." Hermione corrected.

"Headmaster McGonagall," George corrected himself, "sent us an urgent owl saying you never showed for work."

"I went to your house, seen you weren't there but found a few things out of place, such as the blue lamp in the living room broken." Harry continued.

Draco recalled Goyle had knocked over something in the darkness. That must have been it.

A large cat came bounding into the room, rubbing himself on Hermione's legs, in a swift motion she scooped down, picking up the heavy beast. "Crookshanks! Oh, you're okay!"

"We all got together immediately, been looking for you since." Charlie finished. "Ron and I left Egypt that morning."

"Even Percy has been in and out of the Ministry. He's been a strong pull in your search." Ginny piped up.

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