11 - Game Plan

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Draco paced about the house, still fuming about the day when Granger had told him off. What was worse was that deep down, he knew she had somewhat of the truth, he did have a choice, but what she didn't know, he argued within himself, was that the choices were to survive or to, more than likely, face a gruesome death.

Draco lowered himself on the silver velvet chair, his hands covering his face. Granger, he thought, what an annoying sufferable pain in the neck. Nothing has changed, and although it should irk him as it had once before, he had found that it had the opposite effect on him.

For days he's had the most difficult time getting the intelligent, mysterious brunette with the biggest brown eyes, out of his mind. Even with the confrontation, they had had just two days ago. Not only did her face plague his every waking thought she also had pushed her way into his nights.

He groaned into the palm of his hands, rethinking about the dream he had of her last night. What would his dad say if he knew of these thoughts, of the dreams? Yet a small smile tugged at the edge of his lips just slightly as the dream replayed in his head.

The dream where Hermione stepped out of the shadows, her body draped beautifully with a cornflower blue sundress, her hair pulled up into a loose braid. She smiled at Draco, so confident so sure, before pulling him close, her lips so close to his ear he could feel her breath as she speaks.

"You're mine, Draco Malfoy." She drawls, her voice low and sultry.

Draco smiles, "What makes you so sure?"

Hermione responds by softly nipping his ear with her teeth, before sending a shower of soft kisses down his neck and across his exposed collarbone, his white button up shirt suddenly gone. The kisses continue to pepper across, down to his chest, then up again on the other side of his neck, causing a soft moan to escape Draco's parted lips, he reached up to caress her, his lips desperately searching for hers...


The sharp voice breaks his thoughts, causing him to jump slightly upon hearing his name. Pansy leans upon the door frame, her lips parted in a smile, her eyes lidded with lust.

"What are you doing here Pansy?"

"I came for a visit Draco, I've missed you." She said the last part with a pout before slithering up beside Draco, kneeling between his knees. Her puppy dog eyes looking up into Draco's face as her hand slithers up his thigh, she pouts again, "haven't you missed me?"

Draco suppresses a shiver, not a good kind, but the kind that left you feeling dirty, he stands sharply, "What do you need Pansy?" he drawls.

Pansy stands behind him, snaking her arms around his torso, "you looked so deep in thought just now, like recalling an intimate dream. Was it about me?"

Draco smiled, replacing it with a sneer before rounding on Pansy, grabbing her by the wrists and holding her off. "Not in school, not today, not ever Pansy. I thought I made myself very clear on that already."

Pansy wrinkled her nose, then replacing it with a sultry smile she replied, "I'll have you Draco, one day you'll be all mine."

Draco groaned, the sneer still upon his face, "What do you need Pansy?" he repeated.

Pansy clicked her tongue, "your aunt sent me, said she'll be arriving tonight about 11 to 'visit' with the mudblood." A demonic smile played upon Pansy's lips as she said the word 'visit'.


"At 11." Pansy nodded.

Draco peered at the grandfather clock in the corner of the room, a quarter till 10.

"Shit are you sure?"

Pansy raised an eyebrow, "yes I'm sure. You seem upset?"

Draco straightened, "Ah... no, no that's fine. I was just expecting a notice."

"Well, your aunt is a very busy woman. You should see all the great things...."

Draco chuckled nervously, "Yeah, yeah, that's great, thanks, Pansy." Draco began to shove Pansy out the door, "Now if you don't mind I need to go do a few things to get ready for my aunt."

"But... but..." Pansy tried to protest, only to meet the study door slam in her face. She sighed before apparating.

Draco sighed upon hearing the loud pop, ensuring Pansy was gone. What am I going to do? He covered his face once again sliding down the door. His mind raced, he couldn't just hand Granger to his estranged aunt, but he didn't know what to do, any other alternatives lead to him being incinerated from the inside out.

I could help her escape, he thought, mind racing, the chime of the clock loudly announcing the 10 pm mark. He softly knocked the palm of his hand upon his forehead, as if shoving in ideas. Help her escape and fake my death. They can't kill me if I am dead, in their minds anyway.

He groaned, not a great plan, but so far, it was all he had that didn't leave him a pile of ashes. Grabbing his wand, he opened the door, steadying his breathing to listen for any signs of movement nearby.

Hermione stood, her feet planted firmly, her bloody hands behind her back. The sounds of almost silent footfalls reach her ears. She had been expecting Draco to show with her daily meal a little later but was ready regardless of him showing early.

"Alohamora," Draco drawls, his wand swishing effortlessly over the lock.

Hermione stood fast, unwavering, her heart pounding loudly.

"Granger, you have to come with me."

This caught Hermione off guard slightly, before she let out a shriek, "Not today Malfoy!" Her arm slung forward, holding a piece of the wooden bed tightly in her hand, bringing it down with such force upon Malfoy's head that it broke upon the impact.

Draco crumbled up, lights flashing in his vision before going dark.

Hermione stooped down to check Malfoy's pulse, still alive. Grabbing his wand, she slams the cell door shut, before locking the unconscious Malfoy inside.

"Although there ARE many things worse than death," Hermione whispered, "I have made the choice not to die today." With that, she spins, making her way down the same way she had seen Malfoy travel many times, the hall opening into a large dimly lit room.

"Hello, mudblood!" A voice hiss from behind.

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