Chapter 5

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This Chapter haves self harm. So if you don't want to read this chapter just skip it.

Is anyone home? (Walks to kitchen) What's that "Hey Bri if you are reading this, then we are still at the studio. We well get home late. Call us if you need anything. They is food in the refrigerator (From chipotle). Zach's idea. We love you and see you later. Love dad" Well that gives me time to do what I have to do.. (Upstairs)
I filled my bathtub with water. I get a Razer and begin to cut.
3.Leo (ex)
4. Mom
6.The boys
After I finish cutting I get out and put on my pajamas, and covered me cuts go down stairs. After an hour the boys came home


All Boys- hey BRI

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All Boys- hey BRI

Hey. How was it.

D-it was great but We are tired...Good night.
(All boys go up stairs)

Good night Guys!

C- how was your day honey?

It was ok. You know same old, same old

C- that's nice. Umm Bri you can't go to school tomorrow

What!! Why? Did the school call you?

C-No...I called them


C- because I need you to meet someone.


C- m-my gr-girlfriend. You know your mom

Ohh. Ok does she know

Yes..She does and she can't wait to meet you. She is so excited. She said when she gets here, You guys are going shopping.

For what??

C-I don't know. But you'll love her. She is amazing!

Why is she not Here

C- because she lives in New York.



Ohh... Cool

C- Why were you scared that the school called? Why happened?

Oh(nervous) i-i don't know...I ju-

C- Brianna what is going on?



Pls just let it go.pls

C-Look I know I'm not you father but you can tell me anything!

Z-(coming down stirs) he- oh sorry

It ok. Pls Dad just let it go.(getting up)
(I get up and started to go up stairs.. But Zach stops me)



(The rest of the boys come down stairs)

Jo- why ar- what happened!?

C- Bri wh-

Ja-what the Fuck

D-wh- what

Its nothing

Z- don't lie.(gives her arm)

(Crying) p-please just let it go. You don't get it.(falling to the floor) please

C- Bri please tell us. Who did this to you? Who is hurting you?

Jo- Some of these look like they have been her for days... Like 3-5 days old...and the rest looks new... Like a day old...

Ja-Bri who did this? We can help! Please.

YOU CAN'T.. you can't help... No one can.. Just let is go. If she finds out that you know. She could kill me. Please...

Z-No we are not. You are getting hurt. If we have to we will go to your school.

C-Zachs right. You are me Daughter. I'm not going to let you get hurt... Boys we are going tomorrow

NO!!!(gets up) you are not going to the school. You are not going to do anything... Please let it go!

Ja- we could go to the school or we are going to home school you.

Jo- Jacks right! You have to choose.

(Going to the couches) Ok... Can I j-just be homeschooled...

C-(hugs Bri) ok... We will home school you.But why didn't you tell us..

Be-because i-i thought you would have sent me back...I like it here

Jo-we would NEVER do that

Z- We like you here.

C- I would NEVER DO THAT!! YOU being here is all I want. When I told Christina that I adopted you. She cried.. Every since then she has called me like 10 times a day, making sure you are ok, she is talking about how you two are going to be Best Friends!She said we are going to go on family trips together.

She sounds like a fun Mom!

C-she is, and she's your mom..

Thanks(hugs corbyn) Thanks to all of you(hugs boys) I'm sorry for not telling you. I was just so scared

Z-you don't have to explain..

Jo-next time let us know

Ja- Don't keep secrets like this OK..

D- We love you too much to see you get hurt...

Thanks guys.. (Yawn) I'm sleepy.. I'm going to sleep. Good night

All guys- good night

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