Chapter 46

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*zachs pov*

After that I want to the store.. I walked into the little pharmacy where we go and get out medicine. I was in line when I heard gun shots. A voice told us to get on the floor and I did.. I just wanted to get out of this and see my family.. I did everything they told us too... they pulled all of us to the front and we set there.. it was me,4 works, a mom and her 2 kids, a boy with his baby, and a older couple.. they took our phone... I don't know what to do.. they left the tv on.. it showed cop around the store... then the baby starts crying..

(Shooter 1: s1 Shooter 2: s2)


man he is a baby leave him alone

S1: what did you say

I said leave him alone! Your the ones keeping us here! He didn't do anything

S2: just shut him up

*to the lady* it's okay everything will be okay..just change him

Lady: o-okay *gets the baby out*

Baby: crying*

Lady: try's everything*

Baby: still crying*

S1: I'm going to shoot him

It's not his fault! He is a baby! Baby's don't like being in one place for a long time!

S2: how would you know

Bc I have a kid!

S1: yeah right how old are you?

I'm 18 my son is 3! So don't tell me I don't know what I'm doing bc I've been doing it for 3 years almost 4!

S2: *hits zach*

S1: wtf is wrong with you! Don't hit him! We are already going to jail don't make it worse!

S2: this is your fault! I never wanted to do this! You- you said just get the money and drugs that's all! Not be locked in here!

S1: I didn't think they would get her so fast

*Bleeding* fuck

Lady: helps him* *whispers* I'm so so sorry

*wb* Don't be

Lady: *wb* it's my fault your hurt

*wb* No it's fine they are the ones that hurt me!

Lady;*wb*so you have a family tell me about them

*wb* I love my family... more then my job..

Lady:*wb* and that is?

*wb* I'm in a band.. one of the biggest boy bands in the world...

Lady: *wb* well congratulations... and family is important.. my husband is a police officer.. that's why my oldest one know not to cry and to stay calm..

*Wb* oh

Lady: *wb* listen to me...your young but everything well get husband knows him here and I saw his car on the news... we will be okay...

*Wb* thx I-I'm just worried

Lady: *wd* and that's normal.. but just think about your family and what you are going to do as soon as we get out of here...*hugs her kids*

S1: you two shut up

*end of pov*

*Bri pov*

I was so excited to see Zach. He has been a little distant lately.. I was playing with Caleb and watching the news.. yes I'm that girl/mom... then i see something about a shooting. I stood up to put Caleb on his blanket when I saw the most hardest thing in the world! I fell to the ground, crying and thinking the worst. My son just hugged me not knowing what's going on. I got my keys and put my son in the car. I drove as fast I could to the store.. when I got there I got Caleb out and they wouldn't let me past but I had to see Zach. The boys got there. My mom took Caleb home. I wasn't going to leave Zach.. Daniel and Jonah has to hold me bc I wanted to go in and see him. Corbyn talk to the cops and they didn't know what they were going to do...

*end of pov*

*zachs pov*

S2: *getting high*

S1: okay we need to do something

Girl: crying*

It's okay don't cry everything will be okay

*skip 3 hours*


S2: fuck this! I'm done *grabs Zach and takes him outside with a gun to his head*

*sees Bri and mouths* I love you and Caleb.. never forget that..

B: mb* we love you too baby *crys*

S1: *lets everyone go beside Zach*

S1: If you want him to stay alive. You let us go. We won't 5 million dollars 2 tickets to Mexico.. you have 2 hours

S2:takes Zach back inside*

S2: throws Zach onto the floor*

*in pain*

S1: what if we kill him then ourselves

S2: what no

S1: they aren't going to give us that we won't

S2: *gets high*

S1: *same*

*sees bri crying* please just let me go

S1: *hits him again* shut up

Your just making it worse

S2: if he doesn't shut up I'm going to shoot him

S1: not yet as soon as they give us what we want we will kill him

S2: okay

*scared* p-please I have a family...

S1: I don't care

S2: the kid is better off anyway

That's not true! I'm the only father he has only know! I am his father! And bc of you I can't see my family! The only people I care about!

S2: don't you think I know who you are! Your Zach Herron from Why Don't We! People love you! Why do you think your still here?!? Your not leaving! *smirks* at least not alive....

Please I need to see my family! Don't you understand!

S1: oh we do we just don't care!

S2: shit up before I hurt you

Go ahead! Hurt me you already did! My girl is crying! You al-*2 gun shoots*

B:*yells from outside Breaking down* NO NO ZACH!! ZACH! JACK LET ME GO! N-OO Z-ACH!!

S2: what the hell did you do!

S1: he would shut up! And I told you

*has one gun shot in his stomach and another one near his heart*

B: *yells* DO SOMETHING! THATS MY BOYFRIEND IN THERE! *Daniel picks her up and starts pulling her away* NO NO STOP LET ME GO! DANIEL STOP NO LET ME GO I NEED TO SEE HIM! STOP

S2: omg omg I'm turning myself in! I didn't do this! You shoot him not me!! *runs out and tells them* he shoot him it wasn't me!

S1: fuck

*on the floor dying slowly*

Do you hate me????

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