Chapter 56

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*zachs pov*

I was talking to Corbyn and christina. Into I saw something.. more like someone.. I saw the mother of my child the love of my life. I wanted to get up to run to her pick her up kisses and tell her everything will be okay. But I can't get up, but that didn't stop me and ran to me with Caleb, I hugged both of them not wanting to let go then Corbyn grabbed Caleb and and hugged bri tight like my life depend on it. We both started crying... I just couldn't let go of her... then after about 5 minutes Corbyn handed Caleb to me and I just hold him and just looked at him... my baby boy looked like he has been crying... Corbyn and Christina left the room and closed the door... it was just my little family... just us. I sit back down bc my body hurt. I had bri next to me and Caleb in my lap holding both of them close... I knew she was hiding something but Idk what it is so I asked.....

Baby girl what are you hiding...?

B: n-nth

Don't lie to me please not now... not after everything...

B: h-he knows and y-you told him

*knows what she is talking about* you were going to cut Brianna with our kid awake

B: I thought he was sleeping when I left him in his room he was

*sighs* that doesn't matter. Why?

B: why what

Why were you going to cut?

B: because I lost you! The one guy I love! The one guy that made me feel special! The one guy that understands me! My best friend! My son's father! My boyfriend! The love of my life!

Ik but Caleb need his mom he just lost me and he needs you.

B: I-I'm sorry

*hugs her tightly* please don't do that okay

B: I'll try


B: *looks at him*

Can I ask you something?

B: yeah??

*gets up, takes out the ring and gets on one knee* this isn't they what I wanted to ask you but here it is... Brianna Besson I love you more then anything. And I had this amazing set up with Caleb but after what happened I can't wait anymore... ik we are 18 but we have been together for 3 years we have a kid and we are ready to have another so... Brianna Besson would you make me the happiest man in the world and merry me?

B: *crys. Can't say anything so nods*

*picks her up and kisses her*

B; *kisses back crying*

Ch: take it a video the entire time*

B: I-i love you

I love you too baby

B: *not letting go of him*

When you didn't say anything I was scared you were going to say no...

B: Zachary Dean Herron you are the only guy I'm in love with

ewww don't say my full name

B: *laughs* but I like it

Well I don't *puts the ring on her finger*


B: looking at the ring*

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B: looking at the ring*

You like it baby?

B: I love it 🥰

Good *smiles*

Ca: *still sleeping*

I love you princess never forget that

B: I love you too babe

*both of their phones starts blowing up*

i checks phones and I saw something I wished was never true.... babe

B: what

C-check your phone now

B: *checks her phone and starts crying*

OOPS 😬 🙊

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