Chapter 88

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*skip a couple weeks*

*Bri pov*

*My due day is coming up really really close... Zach is going crazy always worried... he is always asking if my water broke or if I'm having contractions*

Z: babe?

No Zach

Z: you su-

I'm positive

Z: fineeeee *goes back to playing with Caleb*

*Laughs and is on her phone*

~few minutes later~

Z: are y-

Ca: STOP IT DADDY! ALL YOU DO IS WORRIED ABOUT NEW BABY AND NO PLAY WITH ME *throws his toy, runs to his room and locks his door*

*looks at zach*

Z: I-

It's not your fault I'll go talk to him *goes upstairs and knocks on his book* Caleb

Ca: go away mommy

Caleb open this door young man now

Ca: opens it and sits on the floor*

*Sits next to him* why did you yell at your father Caleb and throw your toys

Ca: looks at the floor*

Caleb Herron

Ca: stop it! Zach isn't my dad! Leo is! And Zach likes baby more then me! He no play with me! He only worry about baby and no me

Caleb Herron.

Ca: it true! now go away!

Caleb daddy loves you I promise. He is just worried just like when you were born...he went crazyyy. He did the exact same thing that he's doing right now when you were in mommy's belly... look ik it's hard it's always been you me and daddy..and now we are having a new baby. You are having a baby sister..that loves you. She kicks when you are around she loves you already and she hasn't even meet you baby. Daddy loves you. I love you.

Z: at the door* I really do love you Caleb

Ca: d-daddy

Z: sits next to them* Caleb look im sorry If I made you feel like that..I didn't mean to. I'm just worried Caleb.. Caleb I'm away half the year bc of tour and Yk how I am when I'm home I want to make sure everything is perfect

Ca: *starts crying bc he feels bad* I-I'm s-s-sorry daddy

Z: puts him on his lap* no no no cry Caleb

SADLY this book is coming to an end... 😞

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