chapter 25

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Z- Guys she moved her hand

(All runs to her.)

*End of POV*

*Bri POV*

Z- Guys she moved her hand

(All runs to me)

I start to get up. Everything hurt, my head hurts,my body hurts.


B-Dang that hurts keep it down

Z- bri

B- *opens eyes* Zach (Zach hugs her and then kisses her. The kissed lasted 5 minutes then we pulled away.)

Jo- we are still here

C- yep Zach that's my child remember

Z- sorry

D- aww

Ch- I ship

B- ok thanks guys. But can you guys please keep it down please


B-*looks down*

C-Bri we need to talk

B-*looks away*

C-Bri look at me

B-can you guys leave

Ch- bri

B- Please leave

Z-no we are here for you

B- p-please leave. I-i want to be alone


B-please! Please I want to be alone

Ja-guys listen to her. *Looks at the rest* ok we will leave the room.

B-thanks jack *looks the other way*

G- if you need anything let us know

*All leave and it's just me in the room I get up and go to the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror. I start to cry*

B-*To herself* I hate myself. What did I do.*hits the sink* Why! Why do I keep messing up.*hits the sink* Why do I hurt everyone. Why can't i-

Z-bri *opens the door* Bri *hugs her*

B-*hugs him and crys* z-zach i-im so so sorry.

Z-* puts his hand on her cheek* Bri look at me. *she looks at him* there is nothing to be sorry about. You did nothing wrong. *Puts his hands around her waist.* We love you. I love you. Everything that happened to wasn't you fault.

B-yes it was. If I left when I had the chance. None of this would be going on.

Z-if you would have left. We would be hurt. I would be hurt. Bri I love you. You make me feel wanted. Like I'm the only guy in the world. That sounds weird. *I laugh* there the laugh we all knew and love. Bri I have a past with this girl. After what happened I can't trust any girls. I didn't let any girl in. But... With you it's different, i can't think of myself with anyone else if it isn't you. Brianna I love you. And nothing are anyone can or will change that. Understand that I LOVE YOU!

B-Zach *blushes*

Z- so Brianna Besson will you do me the honor and being my girlfriend?

B-i would love to

*Zach pulls me on and kisses me I kiss back. Then he picks me up and puts me sits me on the sink. The kissed started to turn into a make out session. We soon pulled away*

Z-wow *I laugh* well let's go sit down

B-ok *Zach takes me down and takes me to my bed. When we walked out we saw Everyone* oh hey everyone

D-my best friend*runs to me takes me out of Zach's arms,and hugs me* mine Zach

Z-not fair

D- you can make out with her another time. Ok? Right now shes mine.

B-*blushes* Daniel shut up

C- you made out with my kid?!


Ch-*hits bean* chill out. You act like you haven't done that. I think it's cute.

*Everyone laughs at bean*

Jo-you just got called out


G-its funny

A-i think its cute, that Zach is making her happy, and she is making him happy.

Z-thanks Azzy

A-no problem

Do- *knock on the door and comes in* hey brianna. How are you feeling?

B- better thanks

Do- ok so I got your all your test back.

B-im I got to be ok

Do- I'm going to talk to you about your test one by one. Let's start


Do-so most of you rest came back negative. For what we have to test you for.

Ch-thats good

Do- we also took more test bc your were raped. *I look down* I'm sorry I said it like that

B- it's ok after a while you get use to it.

Do-oh sorry. Anyway we took a pregnancy test, a HIV test and more. The HIV test and the reat came back negative.

C-what about the pregnancy test.

Sorry for not posting! School started on Monday and it's been hard do to my new classes. I said I was going to yesterday but I changed my schedule for school. Now o have two classes of ROTC. And I was really tired. So today I'm posting at least two times! Sorry again

-jamie 😍

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