Chaptes 57

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*Still Zachs pov*

*hugs her*

B: this isn't fair!

Ik baby ik

B: this is bull shit!

Baby please!

B: no don't baby me! This is bull shit!

Please calm down

B: no! I can't!


B: *starts having a Panic attack*


*Everyone runs in*

Myta: what happened

Ch: Brianna baby breath

Ca: *wakes up*

C: honey breath in and out

Ca: mommy?

Reese: Bri Bri what happened

*everyone at the same time trying to help*


*everyone shuts up*

Z: Caleb

Ca: no *sits on her lap* mommy it okay! In slowly and out you say to me... in then out.. slowly mommy *kisses her cheek and hugs her* it be okay mommy

*everyone looks at him*

B: *hugs Caleb and crys* t-thank you Caleb

Ca: yw mommy

B: crys softly*

T: what happened

Jo: Tate

T: sorry

G: Zach?


B: it's okay Zach I got it


B: *puts headphones on Caleb and puts his favorite show on* Caleb honey?

Ca: *cant hear*

B: okay... so c-calebs r-real dad

Ch; bri we don't talk about him

B: mom!

C: your mom is right

stop and listen

D: Brianna please do-

B: he is out of jail

All: WHAT!

G: no th-

B: Me and Zach got a text message from the detectives that handled my case...

Jo: he was Supposed to be in jail longer than three years

Ja: that's not fair!

He escaped...

C: how the hell did this happen

B: well....this all happened when we were 15 dad they put him in juvie and they were transferring him to prison but it didn't go as planned....

T: no shit

Ch: what can we do

B: idk... they are scared he is looking for me

G: we need to do something

D: but like what

Jo: we move them somewhere private into they find him

C: okay lets do that

Ja: as soon as Zach gets out of here we can

B: what no

D: yes

Baby please..I'll call you every day I check on you and him it's best this two will be safe.. please

B: fine

Okay girls go pack clothes for here and Caleb...

Girls: okay

C: what else

We have to keep her and Caleb safe

Jo: *walks out and talks on the phone*

B: I-I can't leave


*skips about 40 minutes*

Jo: *comes back* okay I talked to my mom. She said you and Caleb are going to stay with her they will be there before you get to the airport and they will take you to the house. She will call you as soon as you plane lands. She is getting my old room ready for you two

Thank Jonah I really mean it

Jo: bri is family and if it means she has to hide for a couple weeks to catch this Ass hoe then I'll do anything... and anyway my mom loves her remember last time we went

All: *laughs*

D: she made her a Caleb pancakes and not use

C: how rude

She makes the most amazing pancakes

Myta: oh really Zach

Besides you mom said ofc

Reese: good save Herron

Ryan: don't worry mom I love your food...unlike Zach

All besides Zach : *laughs*

B: *cuddles into Zach's neck*

C: okay everyone lets go home so they can sleep

All: okay

*after about 30 minutes everyone leave. Lavender stayed and is cuddling with Caleb we all fell asleep*

*end of POV*

*no one pov*

*nexts day*

Bri woke up to see Zach sleep.. she's looks around and doesn't see the kids. She gets up and looks for them... she goes to the play room next to the room.. she goes and looks and they are not there.. she keeps looking but she can't find them... she goes to Zach and wakes him up*

B: Zach wake up Zach

Z: what happened baby

B: t-the kids are gone


Nu: *walks in* good mor- what happened

B: m-my kids the kids are gone

Nu: they were here last night

Z: we can't find them

Nu: *calls code pink*

B: calls jack and tells him*

Hello everyone!! Btw follow my fan page
@i_love_why_dont_we_100 that is were I'll update you guys for this book

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