Chapter 76

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*Bri POV*

*After I put Caleb down for a nap and my is at work...I decided it was finally time to call Zach...*

*phone call*

Hey Zach...

Z: h-hey Brianna...

Please just listen to me and don't say anything just listen....

Z: o-okay

Zach what you did hurt me. I'm 4 months pregnant..Our wedding is in 3 months... everything is paid for and ready to go. Ik the gender of our baby! OUR baby! And you ain't even here! Zach you hurt me. B-

Z: but I messed up. Ik *trys so hard not to cry but you can hear the pain in his voice*


Z: no Ik I screwed up! I was stupid. Ik I screwed up our plans and our family.And I won't ever forgive myself for that. I'm so sorry for what I did... and ik you won't forgive me.

Zach I was going to say I LOVE YOU! Okay I. Love. You. And nothing will change no matter how much you hurt me.

Z: I love you too. And I want to be with you! Not her. I want our baby...I want Caleb...and I want you...I want our family...please bri come back I want us again...I want our family.Please..
I want you to be Mrs.Herron in three months...

I want that too zach...B-

Z: but I missed up. Ik ik...w-we can cancel everything...I get it....

*crys* no no no Zach I don't want that. I want us to be together! I want to be with you! God Zach I want to be a fucking Herron! I don't want Caleb and our Baby girl to live in a world where their parents can't be together!

Z: G-Girl


Z: I-I'm going to have a girl!?

*smiles a little and rubs her belly* y-yeah we are having a girl...

Z: crys*

Awwww Zach don't cry

Z: how could I not we are having a girl. And I'm not with you! God I'm such a horrible father and person.*crying*

Zachary Dean Herron don't ever fucking say that about yourself again! Or I will hurt you! You got that Herron!?

Z: y-yes *stops crying*

Okay now go and make sure our house is clean me and Caleb wants to go back home.

Z: okay got it

Well I'm going to go for a nap now Caleb is sleeping and I'm hungry so no nap. I'm gettinggggg fooddd

Z: laughs* okay bye bye


*ends call*

After the call ended I started making food. I kept a eye on the baby monitor while Caleb slept...rubbing my belly when I can... the baby loves moving like her father. I swear Zach can't stay still....I ate then cleaned up my mess then my mom wake in..

Tina: hey honey

Hey mom

Tina: sooooo?

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