Chapter 60

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I was a unknown number so I walked to the kitchen with gabbie*

*texts message from unknown*

U: Hey there Brianna

Who is this?

U: the person that has your kids


U; yeah *sends her a video of the kids yelling and crying for their mommy*

*end of text*

When I saw that video I fell to the floor crying... gabbie saw the video and did the same... I couldn't believe it...our kids are yelling for their mommy and we can't do anything to help them...


U: do as I say and you get your kids back

B; what do you want me to do

U: it's funny how you don't know who I am

*leaves on read trying to think who it is*

U: don't leave me on read Bri Bri

B: Leo

U: that's right baby girl

B: umm im not your baby girl and give me the kids back!

Leo: how about no

B: Leo please!

Leo: no he is my kid too! Not Zach! My kid!

B: the only reason is back you raped me!

Leo: whatever

B: no it's not whatever Leo! For the past 3 years I've been hiding from everyone! For 3 years I have been scared to be near any guy! 3 years!! Everytime I saw my son MY OWN SON! I remember that night! For a year! But MY son is better then his father!! ZACH is a better father then you could ever be!

Leo: well I'm the one that shares the same blood with him!!

B: give me back my son

Leo: no!

B: please give him and lavender back

Leo: if you want them do as I say ik gabbie is seeing this so if you two do what we say you get your kids back. It's that simple! You don't tell anyone! And we mean it! NO ONE!

B: fine you win just make sure our kids are okay!!

*left on read*

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