Like A Jinx!

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So let's sort things out first.

I am back to when I was still a little six year old girl. Nothing big has happened during this time yet, right? If my memory doesn't fail me, during the next few days, my parents will accept an engagement proposal from that monster's family.

Adira thought to herself while she sipped on her favorite chamomile tea with a twist-a special blend made by her favorite maid, Lyfa. Because of being disoriented, after dying from such a tragic death, it took her a bit of time to adjust and recognize Lyfa-especially when it should've been easy since she was always a worrywart and easily flustered.

"My lady, do you like the chamomile?" She asked sweetly while placing another batch of sweets in front of Adira.

Adira looked up from her tea and smiled kindly and brightly-a hundred of light years away from the Adira of a week ago.

It'd been a week since Adira woke up from her second life and a few days from her second high fever. She's been sorting out loads of informations in her head and mentally arranging the timelines to try and prepare for a counter and solution for the problems that started from this fateful engagement.

The servants of the Sylveris manor were all perplexed at the sudden change in temperament of their little mistress. She just suddenly... changed. As if the person inside her was swapped entirely for someone else-someone who was more merciful and angelic than their demonic little mistress.

A week ago, she used to whip the servants at the slightest error that they made, or made them do unreasonable things for her entertainment plus all the various tortures her little evil brain could conjure. She also used to verbally abuse the servants every chance she gets.

But now, she was calm, kind and sweet. The air around her exuded the serene kind of maturity. She smiles at the servants often now, greets them everytime, thanks them and even apologizes to them!

"Did the fever tweak the screws in the little demoness' head?" A servant, terrified with the sudden change in their little mistress, whispered as softly as she could to her fellow servant.

"Shh! We never know when she might revert to her demon side. It's best we keep our guard up." The servant replied while clasping both of her hands tightly in a silent prayer-that their little mistress would stay the way she is now!

Adira gave them a glance and they both stiffened before they scurried away in different directions-escaping before the demoness seals their fates.

Lyfa's face, who also turned to them, crumpled after seeing their guilty actions before redirecting a worried gaze towards her indifferent and unruffled lady, who wordlessly resumed to enjoying her tea.

"My lady, don't mind them please. My lady is the best lady in the whole world! I swear it on my life!" Lyfa exaggerated as she balled her fists and lightly knocked it over her chest for more emphasis.

Adira giggled at her undying loyalty-whether it was the past life or now-she always and faithfully remained at her side. Even when everyone else were condemning Adira, even when the whole world turned against her mistress, she trusted her with all her heart.

"I know, Lyfa. Thank you." She expressed her deep gratitude in words. Even though it wasn't enough to convey the deepness of her gratitude for her loyalty and love, she hoped that her feelings would somehow reach Lyfa.

Lyfa watched the warm sincerity shining in her glittering lady's eyes and felt her auburn eyes burn and sting. Tears were threatening to spill out of her orbs that she had to look up to the painted ceilings in an attempt to halt them from dropping and be an embarrassing mess in front of her mistress.

"My loyalty will forever remain with you, my lady." She suddenly pledged that made Adira smile sweetly at her to lighten the heavy and serious mood of her maid. Lyfa didn't change after all. That was a load off her shoulders then.

It was a quiet afternoon like all the previous days and Adira loved it. This peace was one of the few things she missed from her past life, all because of her foolishness and stubbornness, and, this time, she'll do anything to keep her hold on this peace.

When, like a jinx, an excited smile on the servant that came barging into her room, her destruction flag was also promptly raised as she announced to the quiet Adira and Lyfa the news that started everything, "My lady! The Duke of Dalriada!"

At the mere mention of that family name, Adira froze with her teacup just a few inches from her moist cherry lips before she squeezed her eyes shut and took a few calming breaths and a brief sip of the tea. Hoping its sedating corollary will take effect soon.

She slowly and gracefully rose from her seat, steeling herself to brave and take this flag down. It was now or never.

With Lyfa, Adira strode out of the refuge of her personal greenhouse and followed the lady servant to the lounge to meet the Dalriada Representative.

If things went according to how it went in her past life, then the Dalriada's head butler should be representing the Duke due to unforeseen 'circumstances' that barred them from being present themselves.

However, Adira knew they were just excuses. This engagement, from the very start, was never blessed by the Gods nor the Spirits. This was doomed even before it began.

Since the family refuses to face me and my family, we shall do the same. I won't let my esteemed father and mother receive them. I, alone, should be enough. A little six-year-old girl.

Pushing the heavy doors for Adira, Lyfa and the rest of her growing entourage stepped aside to let her enter first. She raised her head high and carried herself confidently and elegantly, void of the natural childish atmosphere she should have despite her cute childish charm.

"Good Afternoon. I am Adira Remeria Eir Sylveris. A pleasure to meet you." She curtseyed with perfect grace, way above a mere six year old could hold herself, yet it didn't seem forced or awkward at all. Her gracefulness, elegance and confidence flowed out of her naturally. Like a true born Queen.

"A pleasure to meet you as well, Lady Adira." A childish and a bit high-pitched boy's voice answered her and she momentarily stiffened before her eyes shot open while holding her bowed head and curtseyed position.

She didn't dare raise her head from the time she entered the room to this moment when the voice answered her.

It should not be possible but it was happening. The monster had graced her his presence! He came down himself!

"Please, raise your head, my lady." He added when he noticed Adira's unmoving figure.

The latter could only follow the suggestion to avoid being suspicious but still tried to desperately avoid his gaze.

She was afraid.

Afraid that if she saw him again then everything will go down the same way as her previous life, that if she gazed into his eyes again then she'll push through everything forcefully and repeat all of her mistakes again.

She took a deep breath while repeatedly reminding herself that everything was gonna change from now on, that she, herself, was gonna make it happen and that she wasn't the past Adira anymore. She's already exhausted all of her love from her previous life, so she should be fine now.

Raising her gaze to meet his startling clear aqua eyes, she saw the kindness that captivated her heart over and over again and blinded her entirely despite the transgressions and the betrayal she suffered while she loyally, stubbornly and madly remained by his side. Loving him unconditionally.

"Hello, Lady Adira. I am Triton Aurelian Ghille Dalriada, firstborn son of the Duke Dalriada, here to personally ask for your and your parents' permission to be engaged to you." He smiled.

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