Overwrite His Touch!

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"Good evening Lady Adira. If it's not too much trouble, may I have this dance?"


I should've rejected it. I shouldn't have hesitated and cared how he would look at other noble's eyes if I rejected him.

Adira grumbled to herself while feeling one particular piercing glacial stare amidst the warm and dreamy gazes of everyone else.

Who wouldn't be mad at this set up? Her fiancee just stepped away to speak with an ambassador from the neighbouring kingdom and a few minutes after, a bachelor suddenly came and swooped his fiancee away.

To others, it may seem harmless. But that is not the case with Casimir! He was very well aware of the hungry wolves that was eyeing his fiancee.

The temperature dropped a few degrees while Adira did everything she could not to look at Casey's way, else she'll see the lord devil rise from hell.

Please, just end this song! Hurry up! Before Casey explodes!

You idiot Adira! Even if he had already pulled you up before you could answer, you still should've said no! That's what you get for hesitating and dazing off! Idiot!

"Adira." She was snapped out of her inner turmoil of worries about Casey. She was so out of it she did not notice the face of this dreamy Lord look at her with worry.

"Are you okay?"

"Why, yes, Lord Dalriada. Forgive me if I have offended you in any way." She answered with a civil smile.

Please don't look like that, Casey! I'm only being civil! Hands off your sword please!!

"Is it because of him?" Triton asked while sneaking a glance at the chilling death on the prince's face.


"Is it because of the prince that you rejected my proposal?"

He looked incredibly crestfallen as he asked Adira and this didn't slip past her. She was confused why Triton was acting like this. He never loved her anyway, so what does it matter if she chose the prince instead?

"Why does it matter?" She replied and coincidentally the music finally stopped. She stood there waiting for him to answer her. She never understood why he always visited her even after she rejected his proposal.

At first she thought that maybe he wanted to be friends and that was fine with her. It's better to be friends than be enemies. But also, there was that saying, 'Keep your friends close but your enemy closer.'

So why not, right?

She also thought that maybe his ego couldn't bear to be rejected but she didn't want to think that of Triton. All the years that he spent visiting her, and she receiving him, she thinks that he wasn't a stuck up, annoying jerk, at least.

So why? Why does it matter?

"Because I've—"

"You're done, right?"

A cold, deathly chill ran up Adira's spine and sent her on immediate high alert as soon as she heard the voice. She turned around to find Casimir standing behind her, still looking indifferent but definitely murderous—even as he tried to hide it.

Triton returned a glare towards Casimir but quickly wiped it off his face. He quickly bowed and left a gentle kiss on Adira's hand before excusing himself. All done under Casimir's nose.

You dare challenge me, Dalriada, huh?

Adira immediately spun around after Triton left and tried to pacify the solidifying iceberg standing behind her.

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