Not Anymore

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Casimir was itching to claim the woman's lips right then and there but who was Iris to witness such blissful moment, right? So he held back and resorted to squeezing Adira's hand reassuringly.

Iris, who couldn't take it anymore, burst out of the room, crying and feeling more hateful than ever, and ran out of their sight.

Adira let out a heavy sigh as the heaviness inside her heart gradually alleviated. It was one of her bravest moments—to face the woman who will eventually kill her head on and rile her up.

I might've just sped up my impending death by rasping her.

She thought to herself as she gingerly traced the shoulder that throbbed painfully while she faced Iris. Like it was reminding her of how she died from her past life.

And yet, she didn't regret a single thing. She wanted to let Iris know where they each stood. She wanted Iris to understand that no matter what happens from now on, she won't allow her to steal Casimir away from her.

Not anymore.

She turned to Casimir, whose eyes glowed happily and brilliantly, and apologized again for losing her cool.

When did his eyes ever glow like that anyway?

"Don't apologize. I am very, very happy so please don't apologize for something that made me this happy." He said and finally claimed the woman's lips. He could never get enough of them—of their softness, warmth and loveliness.


Heise went with Adira back to the Sylveris fief—even though Anastasius did whatever he could such as bribe him and all those things to make him stay—and said goodbye to his grandfather, the king, as well as to his father.

He happily ran up to Adira and held her hand as they walked back to the carriage. He wanted to be with his mother and she needed to see hers, after all.

After a few minutes or so, Heise fell asleep on Adira's lap, and everything was peaceful. So Adira took this chance to explain some things to her father.

"Father, you do know that Heise didn't really come from me, right?"

Silfor, who was silently watching the foliage outside, turned to her with a warm smile.

"Of course, dearest. I mean, I am not as much of an idiot to not figure that out. But, I don't care where that child came from or what his past is.

As long as I can see that happiness shining brightly in your face, then I don't care. He is my grandson for all I care."

"Thank you, Daddy." Adira smiled and Silfor wanted to cry then. It's been years since he last heard her call him that. It had been too long that he didn't notice he couldn't hold back and started to cry uglily.

"Uuuuu~ My daughter's become a mother now~ My cute, cute angel has her very own angel now~"

Really now, Father.


Arriving at the Sylveris fief, everyone rejoiced to finally see their princess return—healthy, safe and sound.

Lyfa bawled heavily as she greeted her mistress and thanked all the Gods she could possibly enumerate.

Andrea, also, cried as she came out to meet her husband but unexpectedly found her precious daughter had also returned.

"Oh my sweet dearest child, thank the Gods for your recovery. I thought I'd die from the heartache after what happened to you. I could never live as well if you left us, my child."

"Mother, I'm sorry for making you worry. I'm fine now. Everything will be fine from now on."

Adira comforted her mother, who enshrouded her in a tight embrace, and patted her back. She could really feel the fear and anxiety that ate her away while not knowing when her daughter would wake up or if she ever will.

Lyfa, who watched these beautiful pair of mother and daughter, felt her heart clench in happiness before feeling a tug on her skirt. She looked down to find a pair of sapphire eyes demanding her for food. It oddly reminded her of a certain dragon, which caused another wave of pain in her heart.

She had failed to protect Heise and keep him safe. Now she knows not where the dragon is and it was eating away at her conscience. Cause she knew very well how much her mistress loved that dragon.

"Lyfa... Cake!" The child called her name and she was stunned. It was the first time she met him—she was sure cause who would forget a child as cute as this one, right?—but he knew her.

Adira saw the intense confusion on Lyfa's face and stifled a giggle from coming out. She then proceeded to introducing the child to all of them present.

"Mother, Lyfa, everyone, this is Heise. Heise, that is your grandmother, your aunt and those are all your big sisters and big brothers. Say hello to them."

"Hello, I am Heise. I am Mommy's baby."

Mo... Mommy?!!

"M-My... My lady??? Is... Is this..?" Lyfa stuttered as she pointed at Heise shakily.

Guess she can't believe it, huh?

"Yes, Lyfa." Adira answered her with an easygoing smile. Well, she can't blame Lyfa. I mean, how many dragons were able to change into a child anyway? Moreover, how many dragons were there that they knew of?

Heise might be the only one.

"So... So that's why he knew me." Lyfa murmured under her breath.

While Andrea just stood there staring at Heise and Adira alternatively. Everything then just clicked into place. After all, mother knows best.

"Hello, Little Heise. Come give grandmother a hug." Andrea sweetly said and opened up her arms to receive the child.

At first, Heise was reluctant as he refused to let go of Adira's hands and leave her side, but the latter urged him to go so he tottered towards her as cutely as possible to make sure she was on his side as well. For the time being, he'll just recruit his grandmother onto his side—cause he might need this woman's help as well.

"Hello, Grandmother." He greeted with a cute bow and everyone gushed at his cuteness.

Ahh~ another territory successfully claimed.

Heise thought happily as he continued to expand his reach through his charms and cuteness.

I'm updating earlier since I might forget later. Thank you for the support guys! Please keep supporting me so I'm always motivated! Love you a looooot 😘

Till tomorrow~! Banzaaaaiii 🎉🎉🎉

P.S. the character I based Heise on is the child version of Mikazuki from TouRan ❤️

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