A Mother's Fury

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Adira and Alex journeyed across the towns as fast their horses could go and miraculously, what would usually take three and a half day worth of travel, reached the border town in two days.

The Adira of then was purely fueled with her extreme anger and adrenaline that was pushing her past her limits. And Alexander could not even dare to lag behind her or make her stop to rest.

Upon reaching the town, which was a part of the Versaillus empire, Alexander led Adira to the culprit after meeting up with his informant and supplying him with necessary info.

He had left someone to watch over this person to make sure they cannot escape again.

The air felt incredibly heavy and hot as Adira walked past a few citizens that made it terribly hard to breathe. The heat was too odd considering that they were almost entering winter season.

"The person sitting over there, under that ragged dirty brown cloak, is the person you are searching for, Princess."

Alexander informed Adira while he held out an open palm towards the cloaked-person, who faced their back against Adira.

The woman thought that she would be able to, at least, retain a bit of her sanity and reason when faced with the person that poisoned her child—that she might be able to rise above her hatred and be the better person.

But, hell no.

Everything inside her just snapped when she saw the very object of her fury and rushed towards them in one quick leap.

Thrusting out a hand, she threw the person over her shoulders in one strong and fluid movements before driving a knee towards their torso and kicking them away. Following up with a series of body blows, a kick to the chin and to the side of their head.

Seeing that the person was still struggling to get up, she stalked towards their hunched figure before once again kicking their torso that sent them rolling away.

By now, Adira was sure she had broken numerous bones inside that gangly figure.

As each move was made with the intent to slowly break them and rob them of the strength to even fight back.

They do not deserve a swift end.

The person was suprisingly light and soft. And as she tossed the person away once again, the hood finally came down and revealed Iris' face contorting in endurance of extreme pain from being tossed and clobbered around by Adira.

"It's you."

Adira's voice was low and chilly. It didn't surprise her to see that disgusting face anymore. But what she did not understand was why she had to drag Heise into her hate for her?

"Time and time again, I tried to be the better person and ignored you. Countless of times. But you continue to hackle me! And now!!! Now, you hurt my child?!!!

Your actions brought upon me ungodly amounts of rage. I will definitely burn you till nothing, not even your bones, are left!"

Adira once again extended her hand and caught the woman's face—defenseless and couldn't even get a defense up—and ignited her whitish-blue flames, slowly and painfully burning the woman's face.

The smell of scalding flesh pervaded around the place that the gallery couldn't help but act in order to help the poor screaming and agonizing woman bullied to death by someone stronger than her.

Because they didn't know what exactly made Adira blow like this, they all thought that what the Lady was doing was entirely unreasonable and cruel.

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