Rubea of the East

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She continued to crawl forward, unaware of what was happening behind her, and finally came out into a clearing.

It was absolutely breathtaking!

The serenity, abundance of flowers and fruit-bearing trees and the glittering waterfalls all harmonized together into one perfect picture of a paradise.

She glanced around. There were a few creatures that roamed around and, oddly, they were not afraid of her. More like, they were curious about how she was able to get in.

It was the first human they ever laid their eyes on after so many years!

Did I perhaps make a mistake? When I found Heise, the place was burnt to the ground and it was nowhere as beautiful and as peaceful as this. It was absolutely horrific!

She turned on her heel, deciding to crawl back out through the hole when it vanished so suddenly.

"Oh no! How do I go back?"

The animals heard her say and they turned to each other as if asking themselves if they should offer to help or not.

There was a sudden rustling—a movement— from the corner of her gaze, something that was unnaturally large that immediately grabbed her attention.

It wasn't that she was scared of this big black scaly creature. What she was afraid of was disturbing its rest!

"Heise?" She muttered when she first saw it but immediately knew it wasn't her beloved child when she saw its eyes. "You're not him."

"Though you look lively and well, you're actually dying, aren't you?" She asked the black dragon that was almost too identical to her own dragon. But this dragon's eyes weren't her Heise's beautiful sapphire orbs but bloody ruby ones.

They were majestic and beautiful.

The dragon just stared at her and she thought that it was very rude of her to speak to this mighty creature without first introducing herself.

Based on her memories of Heise, dragons were very proud creatures. And they had every reason to be.

"Forgive me for being rude and not introducing myself first. I am called Adira Sylveris, oh mighty one." She curtseyed low after speaking her introduction.

The dragon seemed as if it was waiting for something more and remained motionless. It just kept on staring at her.

Racking her brains for what to say, she blurted out, "I really am truly sorry if I offended you in some way. I had a very dear partner that really resembled you so I mistook you for someone else."

[You, little one. How were you able to enter here?] It finally spoke, though it was only through a telepathic link.

The delight was very visible on her face as she smiled very brightly at finally hearing the dragon's voice. So smooth, mighty and powerful.

"I do not know as well. I only remembered that it looked familiar to me and I saw a hole that led me here but now it's gone and I don't know how to go back!

Anyway, you're very beautiful, do you know that? Wow, these scales! They're as beautiful as Heise's! And I thought Heise was the most beautiful dragon!"

Completely straying off the matter at hand, Adira admired the beautiful dragon in front of her. It was so wonderful she almost wanted to take it back home with her.

Without caring for formalities anymore, she looked up to her ruby eyes and asked as politely as she could, "Will you allow me to touch your scales?"

There was an incandescent light shining in her dollish dark-grey eyes that the dragon couldn't refuse her and brought down her head in a relaxed manner to allow this little human to pet her in anyway she liked.

Adira, aware she was given permission, cheered in absolute glee and proceeded to her very important mission.

She lightly ran her hands through her scales and reveled on its coolness. It wasn't the type that nipped at her skin but the type that cools her down after being under the summer heat. It was a different kind of comfort.

Suddenly, she felt a contour different from the usual body of a healthy dragon. She could also feel a slight palpating beat from the mound.

She gasped, "Are you... Are you pregnant?!"


"Oh my god! What about you?! You're weak and dying, right? Won't you die if you give birth? How will you safely deliver your child? Who will protect it?"

[My child... has chosen, little one.]

"Chosen? How can it choose? It hasn't come out yet! Oh dear. What do I do?"

[You don't need to worry about me. I will surely die after giving birth to this child. I just... want to ask you a favor, little one.]

"Anything! If it is within my power, I will do anything!" Adira exclaimed without hesitation and looked at the dragon's eyes sincerely.

The dragon could feel the heartfelt words of Adira's promise and could finally breathe in relief. Her child.. will be safe in her little hands.

[I, Rubea of the East, humbly ask you, Adira the human, to please take care of my child. You won't have any problems with the contract as this child has chosen you himself.]

"Chosen.. me?"

[Please, take care of him for me.]

After Adira gave her word, the dragon, Rubea, went into labor and later died as soon as she gave birth. She knew that whatever led Adira into her home, it was so someone can protect her baby after she left.

The animals, who witnessed everything that transpired, all bowed their heads to their new ruler.

[Adira the human, won't you please grant our new King a name?]

She heard a voice in her head and didn't know which animal spoke to her. She just looked at the newborn dragon she cuddled in her arms.

But, won't I be entering a contract if I give him a name? Is it really fine to rob this guy the right to choose his master?

"I.. I won't give him a name yet. I want to wait a few more days before deciding to give him a name." She announced to all the animals and each agreed to her.

It was what their new master wished anyway. So, who were they to say otherwise, right?

[However, Adira the human, who will protect us now? Queen Rubea has passed away and the barrier will most likely hold out for, at most, 3 days.]

"That is not a cause for worry. I will maintain your barrier with my own mana."

Adira smugly announced before pulling Casey's gloves off her right hand and used the little dragon's talons to cut a wound on her hand and let her blood drip.

A magic circle formed below her as she chanted a few spells that fortified the barrier for as long as she was alive and filled with mana.

Everyone was grateful for her as they crowded around her and cheered her name. There was just something about this person that drew them in.

They felt that as long as she was around, they will be safe.

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