Pain, Pain Fly Away!

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A few weeks after Adira's heart-throbbing coming-of-age ceremony, she was sent to the capital to attend a few years of school as well as her bride and queen training.

Although, she could breeze by the training and school—since it was the second time already—she still went diligently.

She assimilated with the crowd well and forged stable connections as well, something that Casimir was very proud of as he watched over her.

He was the head of the student's council, a training ground for him if you look at it the other way, and gathered a few trusted aides as well. Ones that were loyal to him and him only.

But wouldn't that include Adira when I marry her? Maybe I should brief them about it later.

He was sitting at the council's room with all his aides—Roman, Leon, Alexander, and William—sitting on the couch, minding each of their own businesses, when a knock briefly interrupted them.

In a cold and domineering voice, Casimir spoke, "Come in." and the door slowly creaked open.

"Good Afternoon... Ummm... Your highness." Adira's small voice filtered into the room with her figure cutely peeking inside.

"Yes?" Casimir asked that although his face was uncaring, his gentle and warm voice betrayed his countenance.

The aides—except Roman, who'd been by Casimir's side since they were young—was shocked with this sudden change in season. From winter to spring real quick.

Their gazes looked back and forth between Adira, who stood by the open door, and Casimir, who still sat regally on his chair.

Is this the infamous Lady Adira Sylveris?

"Umm, I just dropped by to speak to you about something. May I?" She spoke carefully, as they were in the presence of other nobles. Though they were lower in rank but it wasn't far off. Most of them were either from a Marquess' family or an Earl's.

There were only two Ducal families, after all.

"Go ahead." Casimir gave his permission with gentle nod of his head, hinting her that it was fine with these gentlemen that kept their incredulous stare on her.

"Well, for the next week, my class is going on a field trip. Do you know this?"


"So it's okay?"


"Even with Lord Dalriada around?"

Yep, you heard that right. Triton was, unfortunately, assigned on the same class as me. Disastrous, right? Not only that! What made it more hapless was it wasn't only him. Even Iris was there!

*Iris Amaryllis Kalmia Latifolia, the adoptive daughter of the Baron Latifolia.

This time, Casimir wasn't as fast at answering Adira as he was previously and paused. She could see him thinking about it and finally let out another "Yes."

To say it surprised her might be an understatement. After all, she knew how much Casimir was bothered with Triton. Although she could never guess where it was stemming from.

Did he finally come into terms with it?

"Really?" asked Adira suspiciously. The Casimir that she knew wasn't as easy as this. There must be something else.

And like all the answers he gave her, there was only another firm "Yes" from him.

Thinking that she cannot get any other more words from him—aside from yes—she excused herself and went away.

While the gentlemen that silently watched them were left confused by their very dry exchange of words—mostly from the prince though.

Didn't the rumors say they were as sweet as honey and chocolates combined? What happened?

"Your highness, was that okay?" Roman asked carefully. After that Dalriada's name was mentioned, the place suddenly just got a lot chillier.

"It doesn't matter." He dismissed Roman's queries and hinted at the others, who also wanted to ask, not to proceed with theirs.


"My Lady, preparations are already done. Would you be fine alone at your field trip?" Lyfa, who accompanied her to the capital and all the way to her dorm, asked worriedly.

She was not used to not be by her mistress' side. And now, she was going away on a field trip all alone without her!

"Lyfa, I'll be fine. Besides, I already told you that we are not allowed to bring servants, right?"

"Yes, but—"

"Trust me, Lyfa. I can take care of myself! I'm stronger than I actually look." Adira assured her as she clasped Lyfa's hands on hers.

The latter could only sigh in submission and nodded her head. Although her mistress says that, she still cannot take away the worry deeply rooted in her system.

She's always attracted trouble wherever she went and that was enough to make Lyfa be constantly on her toes.


Her class was about to set out in different carriages arranged according to nobility rank. When she was about to board the carriage assigned to her, she noticed another person was already in there.

Weren't we separated by gender? Seeing as it was only me and Triton who were from Ducal families, I should've been able to monopolize this carriage. Did the arrangement change?

The curtains were down so she couldn't make out the face of the person. Sensing that she hesitated to board the post chaise, a hand reached out to her—probably wanting to assist her up.

When she still didn't move, a cool voice suddenly spoke from inside, "Don't worry. It's me."

Raising a brow at this familiar voice, she tried calling the name of the person that first popped in her head, "Casey?"


Feeling delighted, Adira quickly grabbed his offered hand and finally climbed up. She sat beside Casimir before feeling annoyed at not seeing his face clearly because of the curtains and reached out to open it.

Casimir, shocked at her sudden approach, leaned away too abruptly that he knocked the side of his head on the wood so hard it produced a loud pop.

Adira didn't expect his sudden jerky movement and stared at him, wide-eyed, holding his throbbing head and sporting a faint blush.

She finally couldn't hold it in and burst out in laughter, intensifying the blush on Casimir's otherwise empty face before he turned away from her.

"Oh my god, Casey! Haha! That was loud! Are you okay?" She said in between her lively laughter before carefully feeling for the spot Casimir bumped his head.

He remained silent and let Adira touch his head. He was unexpectedly enjoying it.

Maybe hitting his head and embarrassing himself for a while was worth it.

"Is it still painful?" She asked gently. Eventually reeling in her mirth.

"Mm." He nodded while glancing at her warm and happy dark-silver eyes.

"Come here."

Adira told him and cupped his cheeks while gently pulling his head down lower than hers and started blowing on it with a childish chant, "Pain, pain fly away. Please don't hurt my baby."

Feeling his stare on her, she blushed at the chant too childish for her image and quickly ranted an excuse, "My mother always does that and it miraculously erases the pain. I don't know if it'll work for you but it always does for me."

"It works." Casimir smiled softly at her.

Ahh... The danger of this smile is really off the charts! You're the most dangerous out of all them after all!

*If you notice Iris' names are all from flowers. Poisonous ones. I don't have to explain that further, right?

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