Nothing but Fabrications

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"Let me go! I need to go to Adira! She's waiting for me! Let go of me!"

Triton cried as he continued to resist against the person's hold before he was flung onto a wall.

"A little bit of taste and you forget. That's quite absurd of you, Lord Dalriada."

A familiar voice mocked Triton that made him look up to meet that man's eyes looking down at him with disgust and derision.

The latter never wanted to help him out of Casimir's attack—that without a doubt would've killed him—but he was necessary to get close to Adira and do what needs to be done.

Things were beyond personal grudges now. It was high time that they strike Casimir and the Empire where it hurt most. After, Adira will just be another spoil of war ripe for the taking.

Until then, he just needs to sit tight, endure and wait.

"Leon?! What the— you were imprisoned!"

"That dummy? It's just another corpse I disguised as me. With dark power, nothing is impossible, Lord Dalriada.

How else did you think Adira got smitten by you? You think those were true? You know very well those were nothing but fabrications. So don't get too cocky and start thinking that she actually chose you."

Leon replied with intense hatred for this stupid Lord who thought he could have Adira as easily as that. He wasn't going to let his dirty paws lay on her for an extended period of time.

"You... You're that mysterious man who gave me the flower? You.. You embedded dark magic on it? To brainwash her?"

"Oh it wasn't me, Lord Triton. But he's an ally so it's fine. You didn't think I was alone on this operation of taking down the Empire, right?"


To prevent Leon from talking too much, a voice, similar to the one that talked to Triton, spoke from the shadows before he stepped out and revealed himself.

"I'm sorry for his coarse manhandling, Lord Dalriada. This lad never learned to calm down whenever it concerned his beloved."

The man apologized smoothly and politely as he smiled at him. However, alarm bells were blaring inside Triton's head as he faced this man oozing with noisome darkness and that disgusting stench of death permeating from him. He was bad news. Like very, very bad news.

"Wait. Rhys... Adira's butler? You were that Rhys?!"

Triton, who picked on that information out of all things, cried and turned to the man who was supposed to be a proud heir of the Raiona household.

He didn't know that this man, as stuck up and as formal as a real noble, was actually that dirty boy Adira decided to adopt.

"So what?! Adira's mine and only mine!"

"Calm down, boy. Anyway, Lord Dalriada, good job fulfilling the deed. I must say, I didn't really expect much from you but you really do come through when it matters, don't you?

I'm sure as hell that the Great Demon Lord is dying in his boots right now. How fun it would've been to actually see his reaction when the Lady rejects him over and over again."

The hooded man—the man that used Triton to hit Casimir the hardest—chuckled darkly as he imagined Casimir's face twisting in pain as the only woman he ever gave his heart to insults and refuses him to the best of her ability.

"Let's see how much you can take, oh greatest crown prince."


"Let me go you monster! Where is Triton?! What the hell are you doing?! Lyfa! Mother! Father! Help me!!!"

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