Always Had Your Heart

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Adira then remembered Stefan and she pulled Casimir back before whistling at Heise to pick him up.

"Go to Stefan, Casimir!"

"Heise! Let me down! Adira! I won't leave you!"

"Go Heise!" Adira ordered the dragon, who was also reluctant to leave his mother behind, before giving Casimir a sad smile.

"You're not leaving me, Casey. Like hell I'm letting you leave me. I've always had your heart, right? Go save your brother, Casey."

And she nodded at Heise to take off and find Stefan. It wasn't that she didn't believe in Casimir's brother. But she feared Stefan might be in a bigger trouble than this man in front of them. And also, there was a secret she cannot let them know.

"I'll be fine. He won't hurt me. Now go!"

Heise obeyed his mother and flew away against his will and, of course, against the unwilling Casimir.

After making sure that Casimir and Heise were nowhere to be seen now, Adira's knees suddenly buckled and she fell on the floor as she gasped for breath. It really was a lot of work trying to act okay. And it took all she had just to keep herself standing tall.

"My love..."

"Stop that. You don't love me. Cause if you really did, you wouldn't have ruined me—you wouldn't have helped Iris to destroy me."

"Adira, my love, please believe me. I didn't have much choice! I wanted Casimir to throw you away so then you could finally return to me. Didn't you promise me you'd be mine when we're older? My love, it was what kept me going—aside from these intense feelings of revenge. Do you not remember?

You were the only one standing between me and my revenge! I thought that with you by my side, I could give all of these up!

But you went ahead and chose Casimir! The son of the man who killed my family! So if you cannot be mine, then no one shall have you and this empire shall fall tonight!"

Leon's hatred was overflowing inside his poor battered heart—the heart he sacrificed in exchange for power, to wield the dark magic.

He thought that he could never love again, but then Adira found him and she stole what little was left of his heart. She was that pure and bright sunshine lightening his murky world—giving it the color he had long forgotten.

It was Adira who made him see the beauty of the world again. He had long known her way before Casimir introduced her as his fiancee. He knew her way before Casimir appeared as her escort for her coming-of-age. He knew her before Casimir entered the picture and took her for himself.

It was also Adira who saved him from the depression and pain of losing his family. She saved him from insanity. She was his only light—the only one that kept him grounded in reality.

And from that fateful day, when he somehow stumbled into the Sylveris Castle and ran into her, he had loved her.

He was just an eleven-year-old dirty boy at that time and she was a sweet little ten-year-old girl.

Adira spent what little strength she had mustered in the heat of the moment and let her body slump against a pillar. Her breathing labored and shallow. Her head glistening with large beads of sweat. And her face, too pale for comfort.

She wasn't hearing any of Leon's banters now. All she thought about were Heise and... Casimir.

She purposely sent Casimir and Heise away so they wouldn't have to witness her falling apart like this. She wanted to at least look perfect in their memories before she has to go.

So in the end, I really cannot escape my death, huh? Ah, will Casey and Heise be okay? That father and son pair doesn't always see eye to eye but they will be fine, right?

At least now, Heise won't be alone. Casey will be with him. There's Lyfa as well.

Adira's face smiled sadly as she surrendered to her fate of dying eventually. The difference this time was, she didn't grow up to be the Queen and didn't end up killing thousands of citizens. And it was a hell lot earlier.

This might be for the best.

"Adira, my love! Are you okay?" Leon hurriedly approached her weakened figure and finally pieced the puzzle out—why when Casimir and that big ass dragon left, she suddenly broke down.

Adira was only acting as if she was fine. In truth, Iris wasn't able to heal her-or most probably didn't. She probably was awakened when Iris' light magic and his dark magic clashed and Leon repelled Iris' light magic. She must've have resonated somehow.

"Leon, please stop this... Don't kill Casey or Stefan or anyone else... Just please.. end this."

Adira pleaded weakly. If this man decides to off her right then and there, she cannot hope to repel him anymore. She's far too weak to even raise her hand.

"No! I will not stop! They will all die with you—No—They will all die with us, my love. I have placed artifacts that act like bombs triggered with dark magic all around the palace and once they go off, everyone will be swallowed by the dark abyss. No one will ever escape.

I shall be the one to end this empire with my own hands. And I will kill the man who dared to take you away from me with my own hands."

Leon declared manically as he caressed Adira's pale face under his cold and large hands, slightly trembling.

Gambling everything on that slim chance that maybe she can still change Leon's mind, Adira shakily reached out and held Leon's cold hands before speaking,

"Leon.. you said.. I was the one stopping you.. from your revenge.."

Leon remained silent as he gazed at Adira softly closing her tired eyes and her head lolling onto his hands. She was breathing very shallowly now.

"Then.. will you.. stop this.. if I remained.. No.. if I went with.. you?"

The man looked surprised which gradually turned to absolute happiness. If she says she will willingly go with him and disappear from the empire forever, then of course! He will stop whatever it is that she wants him to stop.

He will still give everything up for her. If she promises to be his.

"Of course, my love. Whatever you want. As long as you promise me that you will be mine for eternity."

"Okay." She quietly breathed out but it was enough for Leon.

I won't hold out for long. So I will at least spare you from the pain of helplessly watching me die in your arms, Casey.

Hi! Thank you so much for the loads of votes and comments I received! Really made me happy!! Sorry if this took quite a while, I forgot to put this up and slept way too early! So sorry!

Anyway, let's keep it rollin' just like this! Banzaaaaai! 🎉

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