Am I The Father?

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After Casimir was finally pacified-under great efforts from Adira-he walked her back to her room. They figured that the little dragon should remain in Casimir's quarters to avoid anyone from finding it.

Since Casimir, alone, occupied the room, Adira was relieved.

"Isn't this just like being divorced parents and agreeing to let the child stay at your place for awhile?" Adira mused randomly as they walked back to her room.

Casimir felt strange after hearing her words. He was upset and happy at the same time!

He stopped on his tracks and Adira noticed this. She also stopped and turned to him with a curious gaze.

"What's wrong?"

"We won't divorce."

Seriously? You're upset about that?

"It was just a joke, Casey. Don't take it too hard. It was just like an... Hmm... Analogy!"

She flustered. She just pacified him by desperately acting cute and harmless for how many hours! He cannot be upset again!

"Then, am I the father?"


"Little black's father."

Ummm.. he's not my or your son, okay? He's a dragon, okay? Please stop scaring me, Casimir Athanasius Rozen Versaillus!

"Su-Sure...?" Adira answered, unsure what Casimir's on now. Afraid of upsetting him again, she agreed although a bit irresolute.

Casimir, fortunately, didn't argue with her tone and instead smiled happily. It was different from the kind of smiles she's been seeing so far. This one looked just like the happiness of a father thankful for his wife for giving him a child.

Is he serious?

"Well, I'm here. Thank you for sending me back, Casey." She said after remaining silent and not daring to look at Casimir's smile.

He only nodded his head but wasn't walking away. He seemed to wait for her to go in. To hurry it up, so she can leave his piercing happy gaze, she hurriedly knocked on the door.

A few knocks later, Iris, on her night dress, came to open the door. She looked like Adira disturbed her sleep. Her hair was sticking into a mess of bed hair.

The moment her eyes saw Adira, there was a hidden annoyance in them before greeting her. Adira only said a brief apology before once again turning to the man behind her.

"Thank you, your highness." Adira quickly changed her words and tone into that of an aloof lady, being under Iris' eyes, as she gave Casimir her farewell and curtseyed.

Casimir's gaze went past Adira briefly and saw that infamous lady who had that unique pink hair and immediately understood the change in her tone.

He only nodded his head and finally turned on his heels to return to his own room.

Iris, shell-shocked at the prince seeing her in her embarrassing look, opened and closed her mouth a few times, wanting to say something but couldn't while watching his back walk further and further away.

They even met eyes!

Does that mean that he's interested in me? I mean, even with Adira in front of me, he looked past her and didn't even reply to her after seeing me, right?

Ahh~ what do you know? Even the great Lady Sylveris can't match up to me in the prince's eyes. I told you, it won't be for long, right?

"I'm really sorry for disturbing your rest. I forgot my keys when we went to the forest this morning, you see?" Adira apologized again.

Even if she doesn't like her, it's rude to disturb a person's rest!

Iris shook her head and smiled at Adira genuinely as she assured her that it was fine.

"It's fine, Lady Sylveris! I don't mind it at all! But wouldn't it trouble you if the head madam discovers you're still out this late at night?" She asked, seemingly very concerned and worried for Adira's matters.

Of course, Adira knew that aside from her uncanny genuine smile, nothing that followed after that was authentic.

While she didn't know what made her smile like that to her, she kind of had this feeling that it wasn't anything good.

She couldn't be thinking of making trouble for me through the head madam, could she?

To avoid her from thinking of going that way, Adira answered, "Of course no. I was with the prince for official business and his highness could vouch for that. I'm sure the head madam would understand."

If you're thinking of using Casey against me, then I'll just use him against you as well.

Adira thought and walked past her to retire in her bed. Pacifying the great demon lord was exhausting and they have an early activity tomorrow, so she can't waste another drop of energy just to deal with this woman.


Morning activity went fast-all thanks to Casimir and Triton competing with each other blatantly while the girls did what they could do-and they were given the rest of the day again.

Casimir invited Adira back to his room since a certain wild animal was throwing a tantrum and refused to eat anything Casimir gave him.

Upon smelling the familiar scent of his mother, the little dragon flew to his mother's arms the moment Adira opened the door.

"Hello, little one. Casey told me you didn't eat anything at all today. That's no good, you know? Little children should eat well so they'll grow strong!"

Adira cooed the little dragon like it really was her son and giggled when it snuggled in her arms. She fed it with the meat Casimir offered him awhile ago and, different to his reaction with Casimir, he happily ate the food.

"That's my boy! Eat well and then grow well, okay?"

Casimir, who sat across them, eyed the dragon displeasingly. A little one just snatched his fiancee from him and he can't do a thing about it.

But it's all well and good since this way, he had every reason to invite Adira to his room. He gets to spend an extended period of time with Adira and that was enough to let this little black get away with snatching his fiancee's attention.

"What's his name?"

Adira briefly peeled her eyes away from the little creature in her hands and turned towards Casimir. She turned back to the little black dragon and raised it up high.

She studied his features and noticed a few changes.

His once grey orbs were finally showing a startling sapphire shade and faded golden lines crawled on the sides of his body.

Her eyes glittered and smiled with undeniable radiant happiness at finally figuring out the dragon's identity. It was indeed her son! Her Heise!

"Heise. Your name will be Heise, my baby."

She announced and hugged the little dragon in her arms, who was also happy with his name. It didn't matter what his name was-as long as it was his mother who named him.

"Heise, huh?" Casimir whispered and watched the brilliant happiness on Adira's face.

Infected with that happiness, he smiled as well. He walked close to them and squatted in front before petting Heise's little head, nestling so happily and snuggly in his mother's arms.

"Hello, Heise. I'm your father."

Haha! Sorry for the Star Wars reference. Does anyone here like Star Wars?

I am so honored and happy to hear your words! Thank you for the flood comments Kana_Harutine and TunaJeju! You're the best!

Please continue to give love and support to our Adira & Casimir!

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