Not Enough

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Casimir tossed Leon aside and bent down to pick his beloved wife and lock her close in his arms. It was just a short while yet she's here. Unconscious. Again.

"What the hell did you do, Leon? Why do you take her away from me?" He spoke through gritted teeth as he gripped his sword tighter.

Heise, guarding the only way out of that place, growled fiercely at the man coughing up blood while stumbling back.

Leon only replied with a wicked and crazy laugh. It was also sarcastic and bitter that seeped through Casimir's flesh thoroughly.

"When the hell did I take her away from you? I am only claiming back what is mine. You were the one that stole her away from me!" He hatefully spat at Casimir.

Casimir didn't even get a word in when Heise growled dangerously at Leon. He wasn't gonna let him speak like his mother is his possession! And most of all, his mother isn't some trophy to be possessed!

Casimir's platinum eyes glinted coldly before bringing Adira closer to Heise so his son could protect her. He had a business he needs to finish.

Heise covered his mother with his wings and protectively curled his tail around him. Nothing can ever hurt his mother. Not on his watch! They'll have to resign to their fates of turning to ashes should they attempt to hurt her!

While Casimir, who stalked towards Leon's wounded figure excruciatingly and terrifyingly slow, picked up his sword again.

Leon didn't fear the demon he kept inside him, so he shall etch it painfully well into his soul. Maybe in his next life he'll learn to fear what must be feared.

"You say you love her, yet you hurt her." Casimir started and slashed Leon's flesh on his chest.

"I don't know if my guess is right, but you must be that butler who left her years ago, right?" He asked while also carving another deep wound on Leon's skin.

"Oh, just these isn't enough to calm this blizzard inside of me."

And this time, Casimir kicked his wounds so hard it bled profusely. He alternated strong punches and kicks and didn't stop till Leon's face and body was beaten black and blue.

"Still not enough."

The enraged prince drew his sword again and slowly buried it through Leon's thighs who finally let out a harrowing cry.

"Not enough."

Casimir did all manners of torture available to him at that moment and it still wasn't enough. His thirst wasn't quenched and the frost wasn't thawed. He couldn't feel anything.

"It is not enough."

Casimir was about to drive his sword through the poor tortured Leon when he heard Heise whimpering sorrowfully. He had been keeping tabs on his mother's status while not caring what Casimir did.

And during that time, he had kept her warm. But she was growing colder by the second.

Without waiting or even caring what Casimir would think about his actions, Heise accumulated blue fire in his chest—the hottest kind of fire dragons were able to use—and blew gently on his mother's cold sleeping profile.

He nudged Adira with his snout but she remained unresponsive. His only consolation that it was somehow helping his mother was the color slowly returning to her cheeks.

But it wasn't enough to put him at ease.

Heise continued to whimper as he nudged Adira. And Casimir's heart broke more. He had felt relieved when he saw Adira up again but as soon as he left her—even just a short while—she fell apart again.

"Adira... Why are you sleeping again? Why are you turning cold? My wife, in a marriage, there should only be one person who's as cold as ice. And that spot's taken, my love. So please, open your eyes." Casimir's voice broke.

Had he not met Roman on the way and sent him to Stefan's side instead, he wouldn't have caught up to Leon and Adira. He would have lost even her lifeless body. He wouldn't have seen her for the last time.

But as he watched Heise try to preserve and warm her, a small spark of hope ignited in his heart. He then thought of the forest's barrier she supplied with her own mana.

If the barrier still stands, then Adira was most likely alive and just in a deep sleep.

What if... Heise's fire can burn the poison inside her?

Casimir entertained the crazy thought running through his mind as he watched his son curling around his mother like a protective fortress. And even as he blew gentle yet searing blue fire towards her, she wasn't the least bit burned.

Even when her dress was ignited with fire, there were no traces of burnt marks on her skin.

Fire.. cannot hurt her. Is this.. because of her being a dark magic user like Leon said? Or is it something else?

Casimir thought to himself and finally decided on his course of action. He picked Adira up in a princess carry and climbed up on Heise's back.

"Heise, to the Great Forest of Khoth. Now. And drop that bastard where the guards can see him. I doubt he can still move in that state."

The dragon spread his big wings and flew up while gingerly clutching Leon's unconscious form in his claws. He dropped him like what Casimir said and then proceeded to the forest.

Heise was extra careful about flying while Casimir took off his jacket and wrapped Adira in it. Her dress was tattered and burnt and he hoped it would provide her cover as well as give her a comforting warmth.

It didn't take long before they reached the place. What used to take a whole day worth of travel took less than an hour for Heise transportation service.

He slowly landed and let Casimir off his back gently. Well, if he wasn't carrying his mother, he would've treated him quite differently.

Casimir let his eyes roam around. He didn't have enough leeway to admire the place's beauty as his top concern was the integrity of the barrier. It was intact even if it was weak and that was a great relief for him. Adira wasn't dead. Just that was enough.

The animals, as if talking to themselves, all scattered when they saw Casimir holding Adira in his arms and Heise watching them with blue mighty orbs.

Maybe Heise ordered them. Maybe they moved of their own accord. But they returned to the spot and started building a make-shift flower bed where Adira can rest peacefully and comfortably.

The forest was a great place for recuperation. Heise was here to guard her and the forest creatures were there to help. So Casimir had no worries.

He turned around and regarded his son with a small sad smile.

"I know you will protect your mother regardless of what I say so I can rest easy. I'll be back later. I just have to fix a few things back at the capital." He spoke to Heise knowing he can understand even if the dragon refuses to show him anything.

When his son was like that, he really was just like him. And somehow, that made him proud.

"Take care of her, my son."

Hi! I'm sorry to inform everyone but from now on, I might be updating less frequently. It might be once a week or I don't know. I'm sorry.

Classes had resumed and well, my time will be divided from now on. I hope everyone understands. I will still try to find time to update and do my best to at least do it weekly! Gomenasai! 🙇

Please continue to support this book even when I'm updating a lot later now.

P.S. the book is not yet ending and I hope not to discontinue it. Please continue to shower this book some love!

P.P.S. Yes, it is a reference from Game of Thrones. Please tell me if you don't like it or what and I will think about changing it or not. But please, no violent reactions about that please. Love you! 😘

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