Wolves Ganging Up A Sheep

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"Yo-Your... Your highness." She answered and shakily curtseyed low while deliberately avoiding eye contact.

"You wanted to see me?"


"Lady Latifolia, didn't you want to tell his highness something about the Lady Adira?" Leon piped up from beside Casimir and a chillier drop in temperature enveloped them at the mere mention of Adira's name.

Not helping, Idiot Leon! You're not helping right now!

She screamed in her head as she kept still and did not answer Casimir.

It might've been the worst time to approach the first prince indeed. Right now, one wrong move or word and your head will roll off the floor.

That was the first prince's aura right now! Try as he might, he could not hide the fact that he was practically overflowing with a chilling rage that was making everyone shiver in fear.

"Lady Latifolia, do not be afraid. Didn't you say that now is the right time?" Leon kept on egging her and she felt greatly annoyed with his antics right now.

Damn it. Shut it, Leon! You idiot! Stop pushing me into the ice chamber!

"So what is it, Lady Latifolia?" Casimir was already showcasing his annoyance and impatience but still, he didn't leave.

Iris wondered why but she liked to think that maybe he was waiting for her to speak.

Could this really be my chance? Is it really possible that his highness is interested in me?

"Your highness.. I.. I would like to report what Lady Adira did to me." She started and she could visibly see that everyone's attention was on her now.

Even Alexander, who acted as if she didn't exist, was listening and waiting for her to continue. Plus, there was William and Leon behind Casimir as well.

So aside from Roman, who opted to remain and force out answers from the culprit, everyone that rose to power from their past lives were practically present.

And as if these big bosses weren't enough, the biggest boss suddenly decided to strut in.

"What's going on here?" The King asked when he saw the men all looking at the lady cowering under their intense and fiery gazes.

Like wolves ganging up on a sheep.

"Your majesty!" Leon, William, Alexander and Iris all greeted him and knelt down in respect. All except Casimir who wouldn't tear his gaze away from Iris.

And this piqued Anastasius' interest.

It wasn't in Casimir's system to ever stare at girls—ehem, except maybe for Adira—so him staring at Iris as gelid as that could not bode well.

What did the Latifolias do this time? Is he planning to move now?

"So? Care to answer me, Casimir?" Anastasius tried to attract Casimir's attention and he did when Casimir answered,

"Lady Latifolia wanted to report something to me, Father."

However, the latter did not even spare his father a glance. He was just watching Iris and waiting for her to speak whatever she wanted to say so he can finally move.

"I'm waiting, Lady Latifolia."

Iris gulped audibly as the frost continued to build up and coat his visage and he became even scarier than minutes ago.

"The Lady Adira—"

"Adira?" Casimir cut her as he repeated what she used to call his wife, disdain glinting so dangerously in his darkened pool of platinum orbs.

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