Suffer For A While

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After rising from bed and standing in his full height with that wonderful toned body of Casimir's seen through against his white shirt, Adira blushed and dove for the pillow to hide her red face.

"Did you like what you saw, my wife?" Casimir's teasing whisper breathed close to her ears and she slowly peeked from the pillow edge to gaze at the man's happy platinum eyes.

"I've loved them for a long time. Else, I wouldn't have married you." She answered back.

You're not the only one who knows how to seduce the other.

"Damn it, Adira. If Heise was not here you wouldn't be getting out of bed." Casimir growled low in his chest as he felt challenged by the woman who was teasing him back.

Nothing was stopping him now. They were officially married and she was all his. And her in that night gown, with a cute little blush on her face, wasn't helping at all.

Only thing he was concerned of was, he needed to hold an audience with his father and the council to formally change Adira's status as a fiance to his wife.

That and Heise's piercing gaze was sticking pins and needles onto his back—steadily and fiercely watching him.

Adira, knowing that Casimir was now only being held back by a few things, pulled herself up briefly, placed a searing hot kiss on his lips and quickly leapt out of the bed before sticking her tongue out at Casimir.

"You suffer for a while first, husband."

She said and coyly swayed to the bath to get ready first while Casimir was abandoned on the bed feeling that intense heat burning and making him suffer indeed.

His wife really knows how to get even with him.

After a few minutes of torture—I mean peace—Roman, who was hurrying after he heard about Casimir waking up, knocked on his prince's door.

He was the one doing postwar rehabilitations which was why he only heard about how Casimir has just woken up after the war ended and how Adira who had left for the Sylveris fief, came back two days after.

He hasn't heard about anything else. Like their marriage for example.

"Come in." Roman heard Casimir's voice answer him from inside and he suddenly had this urge to tear up as he felt great relief wash over his body before pushing the door open to see his prince healthy again.

However, what he saw inside wasn't only that. There was also the Lady Sylveris in a simple and thin gown, who happened to walk out fresh from the bath, and all of their eyes widened in surprise.

It didn't even last five seconds before the gap between the door and the wall was coated with ice that almost froze Roman as well if he hadn't unconsciously taken a step back after seeing the red in Casimir's eyes.

"Why did you come out?!"

"I didn't know Roman was here!"

"There was a knock and I answered! Why did you come out?!" The man repeated his words before letting the woman go back inside his bedroom where the child, who was shocked with their loud voices, peeped from.

After a few minutes, when Casimir was sure he was calm and collected and not on edge—about plucking Roman's eyes out or banging his head to cause a concussion and make him forget what he saw—he thawed the ice.

Roman, who was initially feeling greatly relieved of his prince's recovery, prayed that he shouldn't have woken up yet and saw that embarrassing scene!

I don't wanna die yet!!! What is the Lady Sylveris doing here anyway?! Why is she in his room? And wearing only that?!

"So? What brought you here?" Casimir asked and although he sounded calm, his aura tells the poor subordinate otherwise.

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