It Was You

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"Still not saying anything?" William asked the already beaten up man with a large gash that traversed through his left eye plus a mean looking face.

The man glared up to William before spatting blood onto his face and still kept his mouth tightly sealed.

"Ah~ you're making this fun~ Clench your jaws for me, brother." William manically smirked before swinging a strong punch towards the man's face. Only it wasn't just his fist, but also brass knuckles slipped onto his four fingers.

"How about now? Still no?" William gleefully asked the dizzy man that hung his head-a straight streak of blood dripping from his mouth all the way down to his soiled and wet pants.

And yet, the man proved to be stubborn as he kept his silence.

William was a lot more brutal than the first man that tortured him. This man was not holding back at all! And he was even enjoying it!

"Awwe~ I really love stubborn bastards like you! Makes the game worthwhile." He cheered excitedly and turned back to the table behind him littered with other torture devices.

"Hmm... What should I choose next? Ah~ Don't you have dirty nails? Should I help you clean them? Do you prefer the forceps or a wedge? I can work with both, you know?"

The man shivered in fear as he saw pure enjoyment shining in William's eyes while twisting and turning the object in his hands.

"Not answering? I'll choose the wedge then. The more painful the more fun, right? I wonder if I can hear your lovely scream. You know those are music to my ears. So please, do scream for me."

William balmy yakked and approached the man, who was trying real hard to back away although he knew damn well there was nowhere he could run.

The former was about to hammer the wedge he slipped in the man's nail when the doors creaked open and a cold gust of air chilled them to their bones.

William immediately retreated and stood straight while the man wished his torturer wouldn't change now-and certainly not the great demon lord of the empire.

"I see you still haven't coughed out the antidote." A dark, bitter and hard voice spoke before Casimir came into full view.

He was a terrifying sight to behold especially in the kind of setting everyone were in. He oddly fit so well in this dark and damned place.

"Who ordered you to attack Adira?"

Casimir didn't waste time and immediately asked straight to the point-very not nicely to boot.

Although the man was practically regretting why he took this job, he still remained silent. There was so much to lose if he does spill.

"Where's the antidote to the poison you gave her?"

Casimir asked again-his chilliness dropping a few more degrees.

And the man obstinately kept his lips sealed.

"I will ask you one more time. If you still do not answer me, I will hunt every last person of your kin-women, child or elderly-I will spare no one and kill them one by one in front of you.

I will make you wish you never pushed your luck and make sure you will bear the weight of their lives forever."

And with the sharp frore glint in his platinum eyes enshrouded with the darkness of death, the man finally caved in as tears streamed down his face.

Looking deep into that bottomless abyss in his eyes, it mystically made him see a vivid image of his family falling one by one in the hands of this cruel and malevolent demon hiding in the disguise of the first prince-and it was all because of him.

"It... It wasn't the.. the Lady... The target.. was you... Your highness." He finally croaked.

An assassination. Someone still dares.

"The antidote?"

"I... I don't know... Your highness... Your enemy has it.. and that lady is in danger. You are in danger, your highness." He warned Casimir and a sudden loud beat in his chest-almost as if an alarm-resounded inside him.

He hurriedly turned on his heel and sprinted back to his room. He wasn't sure why but he felt like he needed to hurry up and return to Adira's side!

He passed through countless cages on his way when he heard a female voice loudly call his name-in the slightest chance that he might hear her.

"Your highness! Wait! I can save Adira!" And just that made him pause.


Back to Casimir's room, a shadow of a man quietly approached the suffering lady clawing at the blankets that covered her.

She was breathing heavily, moaning painfully and crying miserably as she continued to hold on and endured the excruciating pain gnawing at her life.

The unconscious king sprawled across the floor. Alexander also knocked unconscious and tied to a chair and stashed somewhere he could not be discovered. While the other guards that patrolled around outside remained clueless.

The shadow crept closer to her and sat at her bedside.

"My love, I'm sorry but this empire needs to fall." He whispered softly as he carressed her beautiful face drenched with sweat.

"You almost made me want to give these all up. My ambition, my revenge, my hatred. I thought it might not be so bad to spend my days peacefully with you by my side. I thought I could give everything up if it meant I could be with you.

I was more than ready to love you and you to love me. But, once again, he snatched everything away from me again. His family killed mine and stole everything I held dear. And now, he stole you away from me.

I cannot accept that. I came here because I wanted to help ease your pain and see you for the last time. But I figured, if I die tonight, which is regrettably so, then you shall die with me.

That way, even in death, you are mine."

He finished expatiating and leaned down to lay a kiss on Adira's lips-a farewell kiss before they are reunited after their deaths.

"I will see you soon, my love. I will wait for you." He whispered lovingly with a manic and obsessed smile.

And he gently stood up, drew the gossamer curtains down-to cover his most beloved woman-before venturing out to find the subject of his immense hatred.

A new found hatred after having his beloved snatched away from him.

Tonight, everything ends.

I am very thankful for all the kind words of everyone that always supports me! You're all right! I shall think of all of you instead! My lovelies ❤️

Adira and Casimir thanks you all as well!
Banzaaaai! 🎉

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