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After a long and detailed car ride explaining to Calum and Michael why we were taking home my sleeping intern- they were just as pissed as I was.

"These interns don't understand that they're a team" michael spoke.

"We loved being interns- we all worked together, studied together- it was great" Calum shook his head, looking to Payton.

"How long has she been out?" Calum asked.

"Almost nine hours" I spoke.

"They certainly used more then ten grams"

We got her into the house and onto the couch, where I finally got a more awake reaction to shaking her.

She hummed out- making all three guys look

"Payton, it's Doctor Irwin- open your eyes for me" I spoke.

Slowly her eyes opened- revealing blood shot eyes, redness surrounding all of the whites of her eyes.

"Good- keep them open Payton" I spoke- seeing her immediately shut them again.

"No- no Payton, stay awake" Calum chimed in, making her tired eyes open again.

Her hands grabbing my arm- she looked confused and overwhelmed, two bad feelings

"How do you feel?" I asked, seeing her glancing to the two bandaids on her arms.


She stood in an instant- catching us all off guard.

I recognized the name from her friends phone call.

"Maddie has Cleo" I spoke quickly, praying that I had the names right.

She stayed standing, glancing around the room as I watched her think.

"I don't know what the fuck is going on" she almost panicked.

"That's okay" Calum spoke for me.

"You're at our house, we took you here because your fellow interns drugged you this morning and you passed out and didn't wake up, your friend has Cleo and everything is okay, you're going to stay with us tonight" Calum finished.

She looked between Calum and I before I watched her eyes glance to Michael and Luke.

"I can't stay here" She spoke, trying to step away from me, but I blocked her.

"You don't have a choice, love"

"Cleo is my little sister- my parents aren't involved in our life, i already don't see her often, i need to be with her" she spoke, her eyes almost watering, making me carefully guide her into a sitting position.

"Look, she's most probably already asleep anyway. You're going to sleep here, you and I won't go to work tomorrow and I'll take you to get her, make sure you feel good, and I'll bring you home." I spoke, watching her hand go to her chest.

"I'm going to be sick"

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