chapter 2

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Ya sorry it took so long like I didn't have my phone for a couple of like weeks so ya ya little impatient people.

I didn't do much just sat there watched tv made out with people. Just kidding my life is hopefully more interesting than that first part.

Anyway after she left I decided to get up get dressed and walk around town to meet people. I mean in a strange town who knows what you'll meet.

When I walked out of the room I glanced at the door next to us 42 hmmm wonder if it's vacant or not?

I knocked on the door just to see. No answer. I didn't know what to do so I just kind of left I walk down stairs said hi to Ruby's and walk around town met a couple of people not really interesting. I accidentally tripped over a park bench if that is what you call interesting . Someone help me up when I looked into his eyes I saw these beautiful brownish greenish blue !

I didn't know what to say I just stared at him like an idiot. Then he looked at me.

"Hey didn't I see you and your friend check in earlier?"

"I guess so" I said in the most dumbstruck numbskull way ever.

"Well if your new I can show you around town it's actually bigger that it looks."

"Ok I'm Bridget"

"I'm Neil. Nice to meet you Bridget"

I don't even remember what he showed me and what I was looking at I really was mostly just looking at him in his face and all of his beautiful features. Sorry started sounding kind of stockery like.

When he look back at me he said why are you staring at me and I was like uuuuuuuuuuuuuuh. He laughed at me and I just blushed and looked at the floor. I didn't really know what to say to that . What do you say to that? Then he leaned over and kissed me. I just scared of him in shock and then I held his head closer to mine and we kiss more passionately than I have with anyone.

We were just in a park walking through on a trail but who knows what was to happen next I didn't it didn't seem like Neil did either. He grab my waist and pull me closer to him and we both kissed like we had actually known eachother for years. Kinda weird when you actually think about it.

He let go and then just looked at me and grabbed my hand and we kept walking and he brought me towards grannies again.

"Is my tour over?" I asked reveling my emotions all to not suddely in my voice.

"He looked at me and led me to my room I opened the door and he led me to the couch.  I felt really awkward so I just sat down and looked up at him.

He sat down next to me and pulled me close he kissed me and it felt like I had just melted into him. I grabbed his shoulders kinda awkwardly but it didn't matter we kissed like nothing was happening like the world didn't exist like nothing existed but me and Neil.

Then the world snapped right back as soon as we layer down I pulled away a little. Neil looked at me and understood.

He backed away and we talked for a while on the couch I learned a lot more about him.  Then sarah walk in and just stared at us.

Ya ya ya ya I know you hate me but its like the best breaking point hopefully the next chapter will come soon for you people's sake.

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