chapter 13

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Bridget's pov.

I was walking down the street when someone grabbed my hand.

I immediately pinch this guy in the face I mean wouldn't you? Then I saw who it was. It was Neil.

"Oh my gosh Neil I'm so sorry!" I say gently touching the brush I left on his cheek.

"Uh well." He said nearly laughing at me. I frowned at him.

"I just punched you in the face and your best reaction was laughing at me? What is wrong with you? Or are you in such a good mood it doesn't matter?" He smiled at my last answer. I looked at him expectantly. His brilliant blue grey eyes staring softly into mine.

"Let's go then!" He said grabbing my arm again and racing twards the woods.

"Where are you taking me?!?!" I said trying to keep up and not trip and fall like a idiot.

"To neverland" this time I really did trip.

"What?" I say as I stare at him like what us wrong with you?

"Aha well it was a joke but apparently you took me too seriously." He said looking at my raw hands, scraped face, and cut arms.

He kissed my cheek were a small cut was. I flinched and he pulled away immediately.

"Sorry" He said easing me back onto my feet.

"Well were are we going?"

"To the playground."

"Really? That's the best you got?"

"Just come on I've got something to show you."

° ° °

When we arrived I was confused.

"There is no park Neil." I say staring at his excited face.

"No there isn't but there was one. And this is where bonds were made."

"What you mean like contracts?" I say still looking at him in bewilderment.

"Haha no I mean emotional. And what is to come is both emotional and a contract." I was weirded out by his misty eyes looking  over the water. Then we walked on along the beach. It was scilent. But comfortable warming scilence. That you feel so satisfied  and content with everything.

Neil looked down at me with a big grin on his face. Then he glanced at a large flat rock with a basket on it near the water.

He walked me tward it.

"Bridget Claire. You look lovely today." I looked at him suspiciously. Then he opened the basket.

"And when you date me Neil you get things like dinner on the beach!" He said gesturing around him. Then I looked in the basket. My mouth was instantly watering and I realized how hungry I really was. There was a big tupperware full with lasagna and french bread, next to it was a bottle of wine and two champaign glasses. I looked at him in amazement.

He smiled at me as he bent down and lit a candle that immediately filled the area with the sweet rich smell of pumpkin pie.

We dug in and about finished the tray. We finished it off with a glass of wine and toasted to eachother.

° ° °

Sarah's pov.

I woke up in darkness. I freaked out where was I? Then I looked over and saw a sight that made me almost scream. I was in the woods and next to Peter!

Yup yup yup hate and whatnot just keeping your lives interesring!!!! XOXOXO!

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