chapter 3

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We just kinda stared at eachother like what just happened. I stood up and walked sarah into the hall.

"What the heck? Who is that dude!?!"

"A friend"

"Ya because friends make out with eachother."


"Dude your lip gloss is shinning on his face like a neon billboard."

"I blushed furiously"

"Ya sooooo"

"Well you know what I can see lipstick is totally wrong from ten feet away!"

We stared at eachother and neil scootched past us and into his room. I felt so awkward my face was as red a a tomato

We went into the room and told eachother everything. Her story was pretty interesting. And kinda freaky about the whole enchanted part but she didn't seem to notice she was to build describing the kiss.

I didn't really know what to say.

I mean like what would you say? I was really happy for her. I was just confused about the whole pirate in enchanted ship and what not things. She looked at me expectantly.

"Um enchanted?" her face was blank and I felt really bad about destroying her happiness or at least that what it felt like I was doing.

I don't know I really sincerely don't know?!

Well maybe you should go talk to your dream boy

Oh ya sure" she said really uneasy.  I'm just gonna switch to her again cause she had gotta go talk to the dream boy.

I walked away sadly wondering why she didn't really pay attention to how happy I was with him. I was really kind of disappointed in her that she only paid attention to the strange magical parts. I mean come on it's just in chanted... I don't even know.

When I walked up to hook I looked at him and then grabbed his arm and pulled him to the docks he looked at me like what are you doing?

"No idea what your doing love but it's working" He leaned down to kiss me and I was like whatever and kissed him.

Anyway when we were done I looked at him and said.

"How is your ship enchanted? "

"Um love ah hm" He just went on blubbering until I kissed him and shut him up.

"You can tell me" I smiled reassuringly.

"By magic.." He mumbled.

"What? Magic? It's real?" I smiled so happily I couldn't help but kiss him [again].

"Well you seem to be happy love"

"How can I not be!!! I mean seriously my ummmm boyfriend? " I said awkwardly but right after I said that he kissed my cheek and I hugged him close.

Right then a woman walked by and just stared then did a double take and all that jazz and walked t ward us. Hook gasped and his gawd dropped.

I just stared at this woman with dark brown hair and hazel eyes.  Hook gaped.


Ya ya ya you hate me and all that jazz I just want to make someone upset. Hehehe.

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