chapter 5

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Esther ' s pov

I drove into town at a speed probably not legal. I was nervous meeting a blind date is kinda hard but really I mean this guy seemed pretty great. I was excited to meet Robert.

But I parked quickly at the hotel he instructed me was the place to be. Anyway we met at a bar called the rabid hole which was an interesting place we played pool and got to really know eachother.

What I did not expect was to walk back to granny's and see sarah punching a woman and then kiss some dude in a pirate costume.


"Oh my gosh esther!"

I looked at her.

"What are you doing?"

"Um" she sounded pretty nervous and shocked.

"Well I a me and Bridget are staying here for a while what are you doing here!?!?!"

"I was on a date." I say expecting the worst.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh! O  m  g  who is it!? What's his name are you staying at granny's? We should go there so we can talk! Tell me everything Bridget totally needs to hear this I'll txt her now!!!!"

I flinched as she shouted this all at once.

"Um what about this situation here?" I said gesturing tward the woman on the ground and the man in the pirate suite with lipstick all over his face.

"Oh uh ya um hook take milah onto your ship and when she wakes up tell her what you told me."

"Hook?" I whisper to her as we walk away.

"Um yeah." She told me the whole story once we reached their room my mouth was gaping open at this huge story full of kissing if I do say so myself.

Bridget walked up to us.

"Esther! Omg sarah wasn't just crying wolf!"

"Well my story isn't as good but I just found this guy online named Robert Mathews. Well anyway we set up a date where he lives in story brooke so I drove here to meet him and here I am."

Bridget ' s mouth was open. "Um I just never thought that you would ever use a dating site."

"Well its not exactly that but anyway sarah tells me you have someone yourself!"

"Oh uh yeah his name is Neil and he is really great and he likes everything I do! Sorry got really excited there"

I blinked "well then apparently love is in the air but what about hollywood guys?"

"Their eyes widened at me."

Then sarah looked at the ceiling and said, "What's Hollywood worth anyway!!"

We all cracked up laughing from that!

Bridgets pov

I was at the museum with neil when I got a txt from sarah.

"Oh my gosh my friend Esther is here! I have to go sorry!" I kissed him and he pulled me close but I had to push away because I mean we were at a museum! I ran to granny's and up the stairs and saw them.

Later that week

Sarah's pov

I walked onto hooks ship and lost my breathe again I mean seriously if you could have seen this magnificent ship.

I looked at hook sat down on a bench with his head hanging in his hands. I walked over to him and sat down.

"Hey baby what's the matter?" I said in the most soft and sympathetic voice ever.

" Milah won't give me up she plans to murder you."

He lifted his head and put his arm around me protectively and I looked at his baby blue eyes as his sadness was slowly filling me.

I kissed him and hugged him i felt so sorry for him even though my life was the one on the line.

He held my hand and walked me around the deck and and talked to me.

"Love milah must be put out of her misery but I can't kill her she is like a ghost all ready."

"I'm so sorry but how is she supposed to die."

After those words left my mouth there was a scream and I knew it was from below deck me and hook ran below and saw milah frozen in a chair literally by ice and a black cane crashed down and broke her I to millions of peices. I screamed and hook grabbed me and pulled me behind him.

"Hello deary." A creepy man with a cane said.

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