Chapter Twenty Nine

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Chapter Twenty Nine

Calm Your Watermelons, Tracy Barlow!


'What is the instrument used to measure earthquakes?'

I read the question and I write down 'Seismometer', smiling in satisfication to myself, then I turn the paper upside down on it's face. We had a Geography pop quiz today and I have to admit, I felt really proud of myself when I read the questions and understood what the quiz was blabbering about. I guess Luke's tutoring did really come in handy.

"Time's up!" Mr. Harris announces, rising to his feet. "Please pass your quiz paper to the front."

I hand my paper to the girl in front of me and Mr. Harris speaks up, "Alright, you may have the rest of the period free as I correct your quiz papers."

I turn to Colette, "Are you going to talk to Abby today?" She asks.

"Yeah. I'm going to see if she can help us. She'll probably have a few ideas," I reply and she nods, looking down at her legs as she plays with the loose strands of her black ripped jeans.

"What's wrong?" I ask softly.

"Mum called yesterday," she mumbles.

"What did she say?"

"She said that she's coming here on Saturday," she responds, sighing softly and brings her legs up, hugging them to herself.

"That's great, Colette," I smile for her.

"That's not it. She's coming to pick the rest of her things up. She is not coming to visit me," she slumps down, her chin resting on her knee and my smile falters for a moment before I give her a sympathetic smile and reach out to hold her hand.

"It's okay, Lottie. It's her loss anyways. She just lost the greatest daughter ever and she will only realize that when it's too late. All you need to do now is move on, just like she did. You need to move on from what she did, not forget her. Just accept it and you'll feel a lot better. Trust me," I claim.

"I just miss her so much," she admits in a low voice.

"It's okay to miss her. She's your mother after all, but you need to focus on accepting the fact that she moved on with her life."

"Okay," she nods, letting out a huge breath. "Thanks, Anna."

"Anytime," I smile widely.

"You know, you are really starting to look worse by the day," she comments in concern.

"It will get better eventually, Colette. It's just one week and then the nightmares will go away."

I hope.


The sound of the bell ringing pierces through the hallways and everybody rushes to leave the room to go to the lunch room. Colette and I walk to the front of the classroom loop-de-looping around the desks on the way out.

"Miss Falls?" Mr. Harris calls and I stop, whipping my head towards his direction.

"Yes, Mr. Harris?"

"Can I talk to you for a moment?" He requests

"Yeah sure," I answer.

"I'll wait for you outside," Colette informs me and I nod in response. She exits the classroom as I make my way to Mr. Harris' desk.

Please don't tell me I failed again. I got a headache from solving that quiz. I should at least pass.

"Miss Falls-"

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