Chapter Fifty

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Chapter Fifty

Canoodling By the Lake.


I'm kissing Luke Carter.

Correction. I'm kissing Luke Carter who's also known as the guy I have a crush on.

You know, the usual...not.

I have to admit the kiss is a bit awkward and kind of sloppy at first, but then Luke places both of his hands on my waist and draws me closer to him, all while my lips is still locked with his and I just focus on him and the way his lips move. My hand goes from his face to his shoulder and so does my other hand, then I slide them both to his neck.

Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh, my God.

"Hey, Lyn, Tyler said–woah," Abby's voice literally comes out of nowhere and Luke and I spring away from the each other quickly, but Luke slips on the wet mud and I rush to grab his hand before he falls, however the fast action makes me slip and we both fall in the lake.

Thank you, universe.

The midnight blue water surrounds me and I start swimming to the surface. I see Luke flopping down on the bank and I drop next to him, breathing heavily.

Abby's face appears in my view and she smiles sheepishly. "Maybe I should have given you a small warning."

"You think?" I pant.

"I'm just gonna go," she grins nervously and points behind her. "You're telling me everything later," she whispers.

"Bye, Abby," I state sternly with a sarcastic smile. She gives me a cheeky smile, then she walks away.

"Great cousin you have there," Luke comments.

"Yup," I chuckle.

| | | |

"So..." Luke starts as soon as he comes out of the bathroom with only a pair of sweatpants on. I certainly don't mind that. His toned stomach is glistening with water droplets. His wet hair is matted down and a few strands are falling over his forehead.

"So..." I mock him, placing both of my elbows on my crossed legs in the middle of the bed and resting my chin on my fists.

Luke and I decided to go back to our cabins to change into dry clothes and after I'm done with changing I would go to his cabin so we could talk about a few things and that scared me crapless. Maybe because I'm nervous about what's going to happen between me and Luke.

"Is that the teddy bear I got you?" He asks, noticing the white bear in my lap.

"Yeah," I reply, drawling out the word. "I had to bring him with me. He makes me feel safe. Also, I'm kind of nervous right now, so he helps with making me feel better." I grin widely.

He chuckles softly and takes a seat on the bed next to me. "I think you're cute when you're nervous."

Would it be illegal if I kept him?

I feel my cheeks flame up as I smile, then I bury my face in Snuggles Jr.'s fluffy head, hearing Luke let out another laugh. I look back up at him to find him smiling at me.

I join my hands together and change the topic. "You wanted to talk?"

"Yeah," he nods. "About earlier-"

"Do you think it's a mistake?" I interrupt, lightly scratching my nose. "Because I don't think it is and I'm actually glad I had the guts to do what I did."

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