Chapter Fifty Three

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Chapter Fifty Three

Luciana Alycia Carter.


School. Again.

To say I missed this place would be the biggest lie I have ever said in my whole life. Actually, second biggest. Biggest is that Twilight is more interesting than Up and I was only being nice to Abby.

"I hope whoever invented school is proud of himself. He's mentally murdering children and teenagers," Sophie grumbles, resting her forehead on the metal locker door.

"Horace wasn't thinking about how people will ruin the education's system in the future," Colette says.

"Good going, Horace," Sophie snorts.

"Did any of you call or text Riley?" I ask them, putting my History textbook in my backpack.

"I was texting her on Saturday. She said that she's liking it there a lot and it seemed like she has already made friends," Colette replies.

"That's good. At least she's happy there," I comment, zipping up my backpack.

"Do you think she'll forget about us?" Sophie turns her head to look at me. "That she will have new best friends and stop calling and texting us?"

"We're not sure about that, Soph," I tell her, closing my locker. "We will be in contact with her all the time and call her whenever. She just moved. It's not like she will forget about us in a matter of days."

"Yeah." Sophie pushes herself off of the locker as the bell rings and we make our way to the end of the hall for the next class.

"I can't walk back home with you guys today," Colette informs. "I have this drama club meeting thing after school."

"Yeah, same. I have a science club meeting after school," Sophie says and they both look at me.

"That's okay. I'll walk home on my own," I tell them.

"We can just skip. It's not like one day is going to ruin everything," Colette shrugs.

"No, it's fine. You guys go to your club meeting thing and I will walk back home," I insist.

"What about getting a ride from Luke?" Sophie suggests.

"He has work right after. I'm not making him drive all the way to our neighbourhood, so he can give me a ride back home," I say. "Don't worry, guys. I'll be fine. It's just a thirty-minute walk."

"You say that like nothing can happen in a thirty-minute walk." Colette comes to a stop as so do we when we make it to my History class.

"Nothing will happen in that thirty-minute walk. I'll be fine," I convince them. "Now get to class."

"Of course, Principal Falls," Sophie says sarcastically.

"Oh God, no. That sounds so weird," I grimace.

"Yeah, I thought so too," Sophie shudders,

"Anyways...bye, bitch!" She grins, waving at me as she and Colette walk to their classes.

"Bye," I laugh, waving back as Colette rolls her eyes and gives me a smile and a wave.

I walk inside the class, half expecting Mr. Miller to be in there, but I'm not that surprised when I find his desk empty. I stroll in loops around the seats, just to annoy the people sitting on the chairs before I drop in my seat. I get out a book I've recently bought and start reading from where I left off.

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