Chapter Thirty One - You'll Be Seeing Stars Tonight...

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*graphic content warning - don't say I didn't warn you.*


“Are you going to help?” Harry asked, frowning from his hunched over position on the floor. I sat up on the bed, using my elbows for support. I tilted my head as if to say I had to think deeply for an answer. Harry hadn’t wasted any time in arranging a trip to Brighton. It had only been two days since he had brought up the idea and here he was now packing an overnight bag. 

“I quite like watching you do all the work, I feel empowered.” I joked, a wide grin formed on my face. He snarled and turned his back away from me again. 

“I won’t pack you any clear underwear then.” He shot back.

“I’ll just have to go commando then.” I laughed again watching his back muscles tense. “Might even wear a dress too, better hope it’s not windy. That wouldn’t be a great first impression on our potential new neighbours.” 

“Are you trying to wind me up?” He sighed, standing up and running his hand through his matted curls.

“Is it working?” I asked, watching him stalk over towards the bed.

“If I say yes will you stop?” His face was inches away from mine as he leant over my body. His eyebrows were scrunched across his forehead and his lips were pressed in a tight line.

“No,” I whispered. 

“I’m starting to think you don’t want to go.” He replied honestly.

“Oh I do,” I said. “But this is a lot of fun.” 

His lips caught mine in a lazy kiss. I expected his lips on mine the second he began waltzing across the room. My bottom lip was caught in between his. A soft sigh emitted from his mouth when my hand trailed a ghost like path along the nape of his neck. He shivered under my soft touch. I smiled into the kiss, his tongue colliding with mine idly. His forehead rested against mine as he took a deep breath. The tip of his nose brushed mine as he caught his breath. I reached up and pressed my lips tenderly against his again. I could tell it took a lot of willpower for him to pull away. 

“This isn’t getting the packing done.”

“I’m not complaining.” I chuckled.

“We’ll finish this later.” He replied in a firm voice, his eyes locking with mine. I nodded and smiled effortlessly at him.

I propped myself back up on my elbows and pulled out my notebook which had slithered under my torso. I flicked open the first page, the first pieces I ever wrote we were some what hilarious. Hilariously bad. There was no sense of direction in anything I wrote, it was just words on a page with no meaning. Looking at the latest entry I scrawled out the night before at three in the morning when my mind was rushing with ideas, it was a completely different concept. Though it was only a one page love story, it had a storyline, meaning, depth and I actually liked it. 

I read back through more older stuff to occupy myself as Harry continued to decide what spare shoes he should take. Black boots or brown boots? Not like it mattered, he’d probably wear the same ones he was wearing now. I found the snippet I wrote about the lady in the cafe, I wondered how she was now. I should have asked her about her day, or how she was just out of politeness. But I didn’t want to be rude or intrude and it was too late now. I’d passed the cafe recently several times at different times throughout the day and not once had I seen her. 

As excited as I was to explore a new town, the worrying prospect of having a one road future wouldn’t stop filling my head. Harry would always have a source of income helping the South in anyway he could. But I didn’t have a job or one even lined up. I wasn’t going to university or any sort of classes. I was sort of just living day to day doing the odd chore here and there. There was only so much of doing nothing I could take before I was just utterly bored. When I worked at the bakery I would have killed for a day off, but at the present I would have done anything to go back to work as crazy as that sounds. 

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