chapter two

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Dylan's POV

As Kate came down the stairs I couldn't help but to growl she looks so beautiful. And all the other males that dare look at her I will kill them myself.

As the time went on it came time for her transition she went to get her dress of and into a robe. She came back and I could tell she was worried all I wanted was to go over there and comfort her I don't know why I am getting all these feelings about her.

A few minutes past and I heard her scream and it pained me to see her hurt. Soon the screams died down and I saw her wolf it is all white and to have a white wolf is not popular. 

After her run she went to get her dress back on and she took a while so I went up to see if she was okay. On my way up I could smell the nicest smell ever and then it hit me my mate.

I follow the smell and it leads to Kate she is stood there in her dress and her eyes lock mine and we both say the same word " mate".

The next thing I know I have pined her against the wall and she is looking at me in the eyes then her eyes went to my lips and she bit's her lip " don't do that " I said " do what" she did it again and I couldn't help but to kiss her and she responded almost immediately I slipped my tongue in her mouth and she moaned which earned a growl from me. I love her moan its so hot.

We pulled apart and I felt someone behind me and I turn around. "Jack" Kate says and goes to hug him I growl and pull her to me.

" Relax he's my best friend" she told me but I still didn't let go she just looked up at me and chuckled. " what did you want jack" she asked him " oh ehhh it can wait I can see you're busy" he said then left without another word.

I look down at Kate and cuddle her and breath in her scent to calm my wolf down from wanting to rip that jack apart from interrupting us.

Jack's pov

When I saw them two kissing it broke my heart to see that one person I have loved kiss another and I can't do anything about it because Dylan is her mate and the alpha of the pack.

I walk into my room and punch the wall I run my hand through my hair and make my way over to bed and sleep it off.

*The next morning*

I get up and take a shower and make my way to where Kate's bedroom is I knock and hear her come to the door and open it and when she sees me she looked surprised but then covered it up.

" Can I talk to you for a minute " I asked " Yeah sure come in " we walk over to the small couch she has in the corner off her room. I was planning on telling her how I feel about her. " Kate I love you and I have for a while and I just want you to know" she looked at me like I had four blimin heads I felt so stupid. " I... Well you know I have a mate and you are my best friend. You also have a mate out their. If Dylan's finds out about this which he can't because he will provably kill you or throw you out the pack" I looked at her and I felt my heart drop I really have no future with her " sorry ... I need to go " and with that said I quickly got up and went to the woods and let of some steam by running in wolf form.

Kate's pov

Once he told me that I didn't know what to do because I love Dylan and he's my mate and I also don't want to hurt jack because he's my best friend. We have been friends since we was little and I see him as a brother.

*skip to dinner*

* picture of the dinning room above just picture it bigger*

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* picture of the dinning room above just picture it bigger*

I'm sitting on Dylan's lap whilst we eat at the table. The table is long and fits the whole pack on it everyone was talking and this made me happy seeing the pack because knowing I'm there Luna and I have the best mate ever. I look at Dylan to see he was already looking at me I give him a smile and he gives me a quick kiss I can't help but to smile even more. We finish eating and I feel eyes on me I look around and see that jack is staring right at me I give him a weak smile and he looks down.

I am sat on the couch in the pack living room (picture of the living room at the top) watching the vampire diaries with Dylan .  I'm lying on his chest and it feels so right to be with him.

Someone walked in the room and I looked up to see jack standing there.   " mind if I join" jack asks I nod and lie back down on Dylan's chest. He goes to sit on the seat further away from us I look over but he's watching the TV.

I wander why he started to not talk to me until now. I mean he has a mate out there he just gotta wait like i did.

We watched some more and half way through one of the episodes Dylan kissed my forehead I looked up and rested my chin on his chest so I was looking at his eyes I smiled and so did he. He looked to my lips and the next thing I know is that his lips are on mine and it was a hungry kiss.

A moan slipped out and Dylan smiled into the kiss and put both his hands on my ass. Then I pulled away before it can go any further then I realised jack was still in here and I looked over to where he was but he looked like he was asleep I sighed good  he didn't see the kiss.

" he's asleep babe *kiss* shall we go up to my room" he said in between kisses I nodded not trusting my voice at the moment. He picked me up and I squealed and he chuckled I looked up at him and gave him a kiss which he returned.

We got to his room and then we got into bed and made out most off the night we didn't have sex because he wants it to be special for us. We also have separate rooms because I didn't want to take things fast.

Jacks POV

I saw everything and it hurt I didn't want them finding out I saw so I pretended to sleep and seeing her kiss him hurt and the way he was touching her.

I went to my bed room and past their door and because off my wolf hearing all I heard was moans and that really annoyed me because I loved her and she chose him. Yeah sure they are mates and I can't do nothing about it.

When I got to my room I got into the shower to freshen up and then sat on my bed thinking about my choices.

The next morning I wake up and get dressed then go down to get something to eat. when I enter the kitchen guess whose there the two love birds Kate was on the counter and Dylan was between her legs and they was making out I clenched my fists and cleared my throat.

They both looked my way. Kate got of the counter and gave me my breakfast. She does the breakfast for the whole pack because the Luna likes the job.

Once I am finished my breakfast I go to the woods and have a run. I like to run in my wolf it is calming.

my mate and a few complicationsWhere stories live. Discover now