Chapter 4: Puppy Love

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It was only my Third week of working at the hotel and I was already starting to peep something. Marissa most definitely has an issue with Samantha.

From the way she looks at her and the way she speaks to and about her. I have heard her numerous of times yelling at the little girl for little stupid things. If Samantha just about breaths, Marissa blows up on her.

I have heard and read thousands of stories of abusive stepmothers to know that Marissa fits in the ballpark. She has married a man that looks 20 years older then her who has a young child that has been entrusted in her care.

Whats stressing her out even more is that even if Gust-God forbid-were to die, she would be left with the child until She turns 18. And although Gust does look frail, he isn't a foolish man. He knows just like everyone else that Marissa wants nothing but his money.

After bringing up Marissa's mal treatment to Gust, he confides with me that he would never leave his precious daughter with Marissa if he were to pass. He tells me not to worry because he has family in the country side who would take Samantha.

I watch out the window as gust showers Samantha in kisses, He was leaving for the weekdays and would be back come Saturday morning as usual. Marissa turns his face away from Samantha's and slathers a kiss on his lips obviously wanting him to leave already.

Soon after Samantha comes running in her arms open for me to pick her up. I smile and lift her to my hip, "Don't worry baby, he'll be back before you'll even notice".

She opens her eyes and looks around, "I've noticed".

I release a sad chuckle. I was raised mostly by my mother and grandmother so I'm not at all aware of how it feels to be loved by a father.

But I can tell in Gust's eyes that Sammy is his world. He has been fighting with Cancer for a long time and 4 months ago he refused anymore treatment.

The treatment had made him bedridden, sickly, and weak. He hated having Samantha see him like that. His state had made her scared to even come close to her father. At night they would both cry themselves to sleep, him because he knew death was knocking on his door and her because her father already looked dead.

Marissa storms in and Sammy holds on to me tighter.

"Get off of her and go eat your lunch". She barks at her.

Samantha shakes her head, "I'm not hungry".

"Then don't ask me for dinner either!"She huffs and marches away shaking her head like a mad women.

I lift Sammy's face, "Why don't you wanna eat love?".

She rolls her eyes, "Peanut butter sandwiches get yucky after eating them everyday for breakfast lunch and dinner".

I frown, "Agreed, How about we go out for some burgers and fries instead?"

she beams, "No way SoSo! you would take ME out for lunch!".

I frown, "I mean only if you want to, I would understand if you had a hot date or-"

She squeezes me, "I would love to!"

I kiss her head, "And I would be honored to".


Samantha decides on lunch at Eddie's Burgers. I couldn't possible tell the little girl no to going there but I felt very uneasy because of the encounter. Sammy grabs by hand and drags me to a booth. It was pretty empty, but it was also a Monday at 12 o'clock so Sammy and I were grateful for the quiet atmosphere which allowed her to ramble on and I to hear her properly.

"So I've decided that tomorrow at 5pm I'm going to kiss him", She declares.

I couldn't help but laugh, "Sammy dear, Kisses happen when they happen, Not when there forced."

She shakes her head ever so serious, "SoSo, Johnny isn't ever going to make a move, so I have to step up and do it myself".

I tilt my head, "How do you know Johnny would like it if you kissed him?".

She gulps down some milkshake, "Because last week I told him Vinny asked me to to the summer dance and he told me I better not go with him or else".

I narrow my eyes, "So what did you say?".

"I asked him or else what, and he said or else I'll kiss you and I told him if he kissed me I would punch him in the throat", She explains.

I put my half eaten burger down, "But now you want to kiss him?".

She nods, "I did some thinking and observed here and there which lead me to the conclusion that Johnny isn't that bad on the eyes...not bad at all".

I hand her the cherry on my milkshake, "Does you father know your kissing boys?"

She rolls her eyes, "I'm practically eight which is next door to nine so you might as well say I'm 10."

I laugh so hard I have to hold my stomach, "Samantha you make my heart so happy darling".

She grabs a fry from my plate, "Then adopt me. After daddy dies I can move in with you. Please Sophia, Marissa hates me!"

I take her hand and lead her to my side then hold her in my arms, "Oh Samantha, I wish it were that simple".

She cast's angry green eyes on me, "It is that simple!". She then snaps her head to the window as tears wash her face.

"Look at me, Samantha, Sammy please...I promise you if I don't adopt you, I wont let Marissa-or any other terrible being in this world get the honor of calling you there daughter".

She looks up at me with so much hope in her eyes that I almost cried.

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