Chapter 27: He let her go

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I come back late at night to find Sophia still in my home. My room is freezing cold as usual and she is only dressed in black cotton shorts and a tank top. I shake my head thinking she should have at least went under covers.

Pulling a fluffy blanket out I cover her and can't help but move the curls out of her face. If you ask her she will deny she snores but it's there. Not loud and obnoxious but soft and sweet. The type of snore that makes you want to kiss her lips.


I remove my fingers from Sophia's lips and turn around to see Samantha at the door.

"What's wrong baby girl?"

She rubs the sleep from her eyes then looks at me.

"I want SoSo and I'm thirsty".

I take her hand and lead her out the room, "You want some water?"

She grins up at me, "Juice!"

I frown, "It's to late for that baby".

She reaches her arms up to me when we reach the stairs and I lift her up frowning at her shivering state.

At the kitchen I warm up milk in a glass and call up one of my men to turn the heat on.

Carrying her back upstairs I set her in bed and hand her the glass.

"Sing for me!"

I shake my head, "I can't sing".

She looks up at me with puppy eyes, "Daddy can't either but he still tries".

I raise a brow, "If you promise to calm down and sleep I will".

She beams, drowns the rest of the milk and I set the glass on the dresser. I pull the covers to her chin but she grabs hold of my fingers and I'm forced to sit closer.

Bella e bianca
vola vola
mai si stanca
gira qua
e gira la
poi si resta sopra un fiore
e poi si resta spora un fiore"

I smile as her eyes get drowsy and her hold on my arm loosens.

"Ecco ecco
a traviata
bianca e rosa
gira qua
e gira la
poi si resta sopra un fiore
e poi si resta spora un fiore"

After the song ends, I sit and stare at her sleeping form and can't help but move hair away from her face. Sighing I finally stand up but stop as her eyes open.

"No don't leave".

I smirk, "I thought you were a big girl?"

She shrugs her shoulders, "I am".

I smile and head to the door, open it and walk almost halfway down the hall when I hear her crying. Turning back I see her at the doorway and when I hold out my hand to her she comes running to them.

I carry her back to the room and tuck her in bed.

"It-It-It's just that Daddy always let's me sleep with him and I-I don't have my teddy with me".

I wipe her tears with my thumb, "Even big girls want to be held and there's nothing wrong with that Samantha".

She climbs out of bed and sits on my lap her little arms around me and her head on my chest.

"When Daddy goes to Heaven will you hold me at night?"

I pull her away so I could see her eyes, "What makes you think your Daddy is going to die?"

She closes her eyes, "Looking at him".


Like when I sleep with Lucia I am unable to fall asleep with Samantha on my lap. She is a heavy sleeper but she's got quite a grip on those skinny fingers of her's.


I look up to Sophia at the door. She is surprised to see me and quickly looks away.

"Like I said before, don't leave her alone in one of these rooms. Take her to mine".

She nods, "I wasn't thinking. Next time-"

I stand and up and hand her the child, "There won't be a next time".

She grabs my bicep as I walk out, "Giovanni wait I want to talk to you-"

I pull my arm away, "Take Samantha to the hospital".

Sophia's eyes go wide, "What happened!"

I give her a blank look, "The child needs to see her father Sophia and I want you out of my house by 1 pm".

Sliding out the door I head to my room lock it, double check its locked then head to the shower.

It broke me to speak to her like that but I had too. It wasn't even about the way she treated me yesterday. But reviewing the conversation I understand that Sophia is right. What I do is monstrous and dragging her into it is wrong on my part.

I love that woman with everything in my being. But with love comes sacrifice and I have to sacrifice my relationship with Sophia in order to keep her safe.

If something were to happen to her-God forbid, it would kill me

I have to let her go. For the better of the both of us. They say that pain is only temporary but I know It will hurt now and hurt till the day I am in the grave.

An addict cannot live without his drug.

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